
Disaster has struck!
Flooding from the north has taken its toll on Glorall. The large tides combined with the increase in water draining from the Ruieze River has flooded the lower regions of the pack. The sandy soil, compounded with so much water, has toppled a lot of trees. Traveling is difficult even when the water is shallower, with the sandy soil below being difficult to find traction on. The daily tides seem to keep the level of flooding fairly consistent, too.

During the low tide, wolves may be able to move around the higher dunes (with some difficulty) but during high tide, the pack is almost impossible to safely navigate. Swimming is possible, but the risk of currants and surges from either the ocean or the river are very real. The island off of the coast of Glorall is untouched by either issue, although it is incredibly difficult to find your way there without being an adept swimmer with plenty of good luck!

Note: Glorall will reopen once 30 posts have been completed (or at Staff discretion). During this time, new threads will receive a 'Surprise','Disaster', and prizes. Glorall is currently not open for challenges.


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He was happy to have company, he could have done this adventure on his own easily, though blind he was far from helpless. Training with Meryl gave him confidence that he could do anything if he wanted to, even be a warrior. Perhaps while in Glorall he would receive training in battle as well, something he wasn’t sure he would have been given the chance to do while in Diveen. He knew his mother loved him, did her best not to coddle him, but they coddled Achilles and he was, Haziel assumed, perfect. Perhaps it was just how it was with his family he was starting to imagine, but if that was the case all the more reason for him to leave and attempt to carve out his name elsewhere. The one who traveled with him felt the same, his sister, she too was leaving Diveen for a new home one where she can figure herself out and perhaps he felt almost as close to her in these moments as he would have with Ariel or Forfax. She did not pity him and that was more than he could ask for, he could hear it in her voice.

As they travel onto the unfamiliar ground Haziel’s black nose works more, his paws gently falling to the ground a bit more tentative than they would have before and his ears pivoting above attempting to find any source of sound. Thankfully he wasn’t alone, he knew Diveen very well, each sound and scent easily guiding him, it would take a while for him to like-wise adjust to his new home, but adjust he would even if it earned him a few bruises along the way. Still he picked lightly around the terrain paws finding even the slightest tilt, an inclination of a hill or a rock under foot, thankfully they had found their way to the most easily traversed area of Glorall, the beach. Together they walked down the sandy area, loving the peaceful sounds of the waves though at times they could be a bit deafening blocking out all other sounds that he used to guide him, still sand was soft on his paws, it felt nice and was easy to walk on and his nose did well to keep him on the right path.

His sister’s voice caused one of his ears to swivel around to her, he looked towards her with his foggy blue and golden eyes as she spoke not looking at her truly before letting his gaze fix forward again his head low, but only to find scent. She was a year younger than him, as he suspected, but age was something quite hard to tell for him for he couldn’t quite tell size and sound of the voice he heard didn’t always give a good estimate. He knew his mother had given birth to more after him, and after the ones after him, two litters. He had yet to meet nearly all of the ones from those litters. What was interesting about Shiloh was the sound of how she walked. Everyone, they knew it or not sounded different had the slightest differences in scent and movement patterns when they walked but Shiloh’s was perhaps the most unique of all. He could not see her twisted paw but he could hear the subtle difference of the crush of dirt, leaves, grass and sand as they moved.

”I am three, Sister-mine.” He responded, curious if his size was so great that perhaps it was hard to tell. Surely she knew her own littermates so to know he was a sibling must have meant he was older. He guessed in comparison with her current size he was quite sizable even if he wasn’t fully grown. She too sounded by paw step and weight, for her age, she was going to be quite large as most of their family tended to be, maybe larger than him, though it was hard to tell. It wasn’t as if he had been the most social of wolves in Diveen.

She asks then how he sees without seeing, a smile places upon my maw happy she asks for that means she is curious, that instead of wishing to guide she wishes to be guided. ”I see through other means, touch, sound and scent. Everything combined tells me what I must do to travel. I make mistakes sister, without a doubt, but with each rock stumbled or tree ran into I never run into it again. A lesson to be learned. I am to believe now that perhaps being able to see makes someone more blind. Ironic isn’t it? For those miss the subtle changes in scent between each wolf and the sound of how the walk or breath. Everyone has their own but no one can see it, or bother to listen.” Perhaps she will learn from this, listen to my words of wisdom to sometimes trust what she hears or smells to what she sees. ”I hear I look like those ‘demons’ Sister. I do not know what they look like. Would they even exist if none could see?” The red and black boy poses to her then arching an eye brow before continuing in silence waiting for her reply. Perhaps he am closer to her, for Ariel cannot hear his words and for her sight is much more important than it is for Haziel, not to mention, one cannot place value on something they never truly had.

Finally they arrive at the border and a frown touches his maw at her words that this is not where she could find her purpose, but a smile again tinges his maw. ”I would like that very much indeed. Perhaps I too, also can go to Taviora. Though I request that maybe you meet me at the borders of such a place filled with trees.” He joked though in reality he was quite serious. A land of trees sounded like his personal hell for the first few weeks of being there.

It is then he picks up the sound of someone walking towards them, he hushes ears clearly fixed upon the sound of the approaching figure, the scent is unmistakable, clearly the alpha of these lands. Of course posturing to him was useless, he couldn’t see it, he didn’t honestly really know others did it, but instinct drove him so he understood some simple postures like a wave of a tail. Still he had little to go off of except the feeling that eyes were on him.

His foggy eyes went towards the male, obviously not making eye contact with him but his nose and ears worked giving him a very good idea. He wouldn’t know it was polite to dip his head if he was not taught as such, as he was addressed by the alpha Shiloh was quick to reply, which he found odd seeing as this was to be his home.

”Haziel, and I have come to seek a home in your pack if you would have me.” He never was one to beat around the bush.

♂ - three - no deity - no divinity - glorall
and take it to new extremes
html by dante image by fate.

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