The Grotto

Disaster has struck!
Years ago, an earthquake broke open several entrances into a deep, winding series of subterranean systems. It was thought that deep below, underground rivers snaked their way below Moladion. Now, flooding in the Northern reaches of Moladion has proven this theory to be true.

The Grotto is almost entirely submerged. Many of the entrances are completely inaccessible, and those that are only extend a few hundred feet before ending in water. The lower entrances, however, act almost like a giant drain for Moladion. Water pours down into the Grotto's maw as powerful rapids and waterfalls, and large amounts of debris have build up throughout the area. It can be exceptionally dangerous to travel due to the risk of flash-flooding and dams suddenly breaking, but the Grotto does offer the most consistent access across the floodwaters because of those dams.

Note:The Grotto will return to normal once 25 posts have been completed (or at Staff discretion). During this time, new threads will receive a 'Surprise','Disaster', and prizes.

Return to Lunar Children

let us feast // my family & Antoinette

He awakens with ease, his front limbs stretch out before him as a yawn tracks his body with the urge for his body to quake all over, Naamah was resting peacefully at his side her breathing deep and in full fledged sleep the quickly growing pups snuggled in to make the den all that more crowded. In the near by den was the young Antoinette her own breathing heard as fitful. He finds that sleep alludes him at this time and instead of waking up the whole family with his restless he decides to take a stroll through the caves of their home.

Once out of the den he slowly pads along until he reaches the entrance of the large crack revealed by the earthquake, it is almost dawn by the look of things. He moves out at a walk through the brush paths worn down by many paws, he moves as silently as he can with such bulk his nose following the sent trail of a wounded animal as it struggles to move. He doesn't need to be quick but he doesn't want others to come in. Prepared to fight off all others for the deer, his family will have a good meal this morning when he returns, he spots the deer now with a young male actively biting at a leg.

A snarl rips through his throat threatening the very existence of the boy who was keen to keep his prize, Samil is easily no push over and takes a few steps forward, eye's of bright green track the young wolf's movements as he steps infront of the deer. Each male just as unwilling to back down and in a flash the two collide. With fur flying and teeth snapping the two go at it, it's not long before the young male gives in and backs away limping on one back leg that Samil had chewed on for a time. "Come find me when your all grown up" he said with a greasey smile before leaning down and ripping the leg from its socket and leaving it behind. They would have more than enough for the five of them. He then began the walk back.

When he made it back to the den it was early morning as he dragged the carcass to another section of their network of dens, he made his way back to the den blood from both still upon his lips, he gently puzzled Naamah first and as she woke so to did the pups. It was easy to see now which of the pups has taken after himself and which one hadn't. He had yet to treat the other with any less affection but he still couldn't help but see Enderly in its face each and every time he looked into those eyes. "My darlings it is time to rise up, I have provided deer for breakfast." he gave one last look to his ever growing family before he moved to Antoinette's den."Come my dear, breakfast awaits" after a moment he leaves and heads to the den with the deer, it was the largest of the dens able to hold them and more. When every one had showed up he stirs behind the deer and looks to them all in turn Gor already wiggling to come close to him, "our family is growing" he says looking to them each in turn, "your mother an I will be meeting with a woman today who is fighting for a pack soon, we will discuss with her the benefits of the Vikings joining them for a time to support their cause. Antoinette you will take the girls to a suitable place and begin their training, remember what we have taught you. When we return I'd like to see how things have progressed." He lets out a soft breath "let us eat this deer, take in its nutrients and use it well towards the continued strength of the Vikings." With that he bends his head down and rips the belly to create a fresh pool of blood and steps back to allow them all to eat as they wished.

"talks like this"

I'll do a separate pre-baby bump naamah thread where anne meets naamah so... just pretend they know each other for now xD


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