DAYTON TO CINCINNATI SOFTBALL TALK! Best Of Luck to all teams and players, tournament directors. This board is for Coed, E teams to the most competitive of teams and for the enjoyment of all that visit. Best of Luck to the Dayton area softball community, hope that softball one day can come back to the great game that it once was. MVM.................In memory of the great ones to play the game, Also Doug Riley and Todd Cole we will always miss you. Great guys....Both played alot of softball with me, Miami Valley Merchants, Two of the finest people you will ever have a pleasure to know.
Adding Back Door Sliders

Saturday Aug 2nd,

Art Van Atta Park!

GSL Breaking the Bank!

E Only


GSL E Rules!

cost $250.00

NO Gate FEE!

only taking 16 teams

1st place $750.00
2nd place $250.00

with 10 teams

hit your own GSL STAMPED ball (Jett)

1st Place with 16 teams $1000.00, 2nd 300.00 3rd t shirts

Call or text bryan 937-304-0519 or mike 937-901-1209

Teams Entered:
1. Clean Slate/Frownies
2. Back Dorr Sliders


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