The Lost Islands

Please Don't Leave Me (open)

Silent people have the loudest minds

Giving a rather level snort I had been rather distant. Actually, rather the word nonexistent was more like it. Yes, I melted in with the shadows and had disappeared completely. Something I had leaned towards with little thought and now, did I wish for the company of my herd mates? My stomach had become fully plump and my rib bones no longer peaked to the world. Not long ago my bedraggled hide lost its once existent shine and as if kissed by the summer sun it returned. However, I all but died to the world. No one to blame, but myself.

Will they be welcoming though and not persecute me is the question? Wouldn't be a foreign thought, but when one is alone. Thoughts begin to seep into ones mind. Not necessarily good ones, but ones that make one doubt. Make one become depressed, lower themselves, those types of thoughts. Betraying to the truth thoughts. They were all kind members, but kindness only went so far. So, with my cowardice I stay away. Stay away from the possible hurt, even though I might have hurt another. Thus is ones selfishness, I suppose... Still my gaze would always travel to their forms.

Watching from a distance, as if a silent whisper that was never heard, but if truly needed would become a shout. No one needed of me at any time so I stayed hidden. Not really any particular reason, just old habits I guess. After all that was how I was before Lyden came and I guess that's how I am now. Oh well, a flick of my tail and I was back to plucking grass. Back to doing what it was that a naturally secluded mare did. Back to the comforting old self.


Mustang~:~Ebony~:~14.2~:~Female~:~4~:~Lady of Lyden
Table by Secret for Destinee 2014


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