At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.



Loveless // Loner // Kaylan

Standing there with her ears pinned back so defiantly, she reminded him far too much of…her. The white she-devil from the north. The one who had driven him so far from his beloved home in the tundra. The one who had separated him so fully from everything he had lived for, and the one who had led the remnants of his pack to what he could only assume to be their deaths. Kaiya. In a flash he was before her again, the snow tossed in shimmering sheets between them by the rising wind, nearly shouting to make himself heard above its piercing wail.

”You can’t do this, Kaiya!” he had shrieked, voice cracking desperately. ”They’ll die! They’ll all die! We have no choice now but to go, to join the others further south before it’s too late!” But she had only smirked, batting his pleas aside with a single harsh bark of laughter.

”If you want to go, boy, then go. No one here will stop you. No one here will miss you.” She had turned her back then, casting one final remark over her shoulder: ”In this storm, I’d wager you’ll be dead by morning anyway.” Then she and what remained of his once great pack, little more than shadows in the swirling snow, had slipped without a sound into the whiteness and he had been left. Alone.

With the memory came the old familiar heat, rising over his features in a flush, stirring his mind into a confusion. For an instant he could have sworn that that ebony wolf in front of him was pure white, her eyes changed from their deep amber to the piercing blue he remember all too well. For just a flash the she-devil had followed him south, had found him at last, and had come to carry out the punishment for a deserter. His lip curled in just a hint of a snarl, showing no more than the slightest hint of his fangs and a storm passed through his eyes, clouding their usually crystal clear depths. His muscles tensed, ready for her attack, the beginnings of a snarl building in his chest…

Then he blinked, and the girl before him was restored to her original features, ears lifted from her skull and her words, though their meaning was largely lost to him, sounding friendly enough. He gave his head a slight shake, hoping that she had not seen much of the tempest that had just swept through him, and straightened his posture, creating a bit more breathing room between them. ”Ah. Yes,” he began cautiously, pausing to get his thoughts in order. ”I suppose that you could say that. The north is very different from here. It is I who should apologize for offending you my dear Chenzii. Forgive me.” He paused again, sweeping his tail around his gathered feet and inclining his head ever so slightly toward the girl. ”My name is Auron. This is not information with which I am usually forthcoming, but you seem to have put me at ease this evening.” Whatever latent rage had passed through him was gone now, remembered only faintly, like a bad dream after waking. He was again in full control, his voice smooth and silky as it had been prior to the…dream? He had yet to decide just what to call his…flashes. His memories, as they were, that came to him sometimes as vivid as the sun itself. They had plagued him since that bloody night so many years ago, but had been coming less and less frequently since he had made his way into warmer climates. This one had, he realized, been the first in more than a month. With this thought he felt a vague animosity toward the girl – she had ruined him when he was doing so well! – but he shook it off, dismissing the feeling as quickly as it rose. The fact of the matter was that he needed this girl. She was his point of familiarity in a strange land. Could be, if he played his cards right, his ticket to everything he needed. For now, he would have to play nice.


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