The forest stands tall and lush here; ancient trees reach weather-twisted arms to the sky, fighting monster-like storm clouds back with their interlacing fingers. Shadow seems to lurk everywhere you look, but it spills calmly, coolly, inspiring a sense of stealthy calm or protection rather than unease. That is, if you've forgotten what kind of creature might be stalking just out of sight...Abendrot is a land cradled by the dark woods on all sides; in the center, some of the larger trees stay behind to reveal a small plateau - a citadel where this pack can gather and defend itself from invaders. There are, of course, softer sides to the land. Clearings here and there allow the sun to throw down its rays in incongruously resplendent gold showers. Ignore the lingering scents of blood spattered here and there along the borders: those do not concern you. The river on one edge of the territory is playful enough when it hasn't been gorged by violent rain. You can choose to note the ragged claw marks raked down tree trunks and the forest floor as friendly "Home Sweet Home" signs, if you wish.

All who treasure loyalty, order, victory, and the occasional indulgence of raw visceral pleasure are welcome, once they've been approved by the ever-watchful eyes of Abendrot's Alpha. But keep one thing in mind: no matter what your motive, this is not a fool's Paradise. This is the land of soldiers, assassins, and spies. This is ABENDROT.

Make up your mind quickly and prepare to prove your worth. You wouldn't want to add to those blood spatters, would you...?


I'm a Survivor

Go ahead, insult me again…

As the ess approached her, Halina allowed a tight smile to form on her kissers, more of a smirk really. Her auds flickered forward, taking in the ess’ words. Aerten, Epsilon of Abendrot. State your name and business, stranger. She nodded briefly, expecting such words, though they were relatively monotone. It sounded almost bored to be honest. Lowering her haunches to the earth, her ebony plume curled around her paws and raised her dark blue eyes to meet the ess. Azures studied the varg for a moment before opening her maw to respond. “Greetings, Aerten.” A single front paw extended out just enough to allow for her bodice to dip back and give a bow fitting to one in the opposing wolf’s station. Halina froze there for just a moment before raising, allowing Aerten respect. “My name is Halina, and my business is to join this pack. I am a warrior and will provide strength to your already formidable forces.” Her paw withdrew and once more she straightened to her full height, tall with pride. “I will be loyal to the pack, ready to fight when called.

Blossom Forest had been the land she had settled upon, and Abendrot had been the pack she had decided upon before she had even left her childhood pack. Growing up, she had known that her current pack had been no good for her – though they had come to respect her because of her strength and fury, their disapproving glances and the hurtful phrases they had spoken to her in youth spoke of their true thoughts. No matter what, it had not been a place she could stay… she needed to find a land in which her attributes and what she contributed to the pack were what she was judged on rather than her sexuality. But that was not to be expressed before this one – she was to be accepted first in order to be able to reveal herself and her truest self to the Alpha. It would be he to decide whether she was worthy, whether she was to stay or leave.
OOC- None :3
|| Warrioress|| Adult|| No Mate || No Kin || No Pack || Azura ||


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