The Lost Islands

All it took was one look

Paint mix - Bay blanket splash(pintaloosa) - 16.0hh
Pyrate x Crusae

While some of the other islands only felt the start of the winter chill to come, Tinuvel got an early start. The climate of the Bay had always been rather chilly and with the changing of the seasons everything was becoming frosted and snow covered. It was an early winter and Acelynn enjoyed it. Horses were always adapting to suit whatever land they called home, and Ace was defiantly liking the fact she was starting to grow out a winter coat. No longer would she hideaway in the trees near the herd with Luana, now she could fully enjoy her time and possibly make a few friends.

With Luana off annoying Soljor for the day, Ace set off to do her own exploring, though as she was taking the first few steps away from the others her eyes find a far away shape of another horse. It did not smell like another male and so Ace threw caution to the wind and eagerly set out to greet this stranger around the same time the other mare called out. An open invitation that Acelynn happily took advantage of.

'Hi there," Ace chimes when she comes to a stop a mere breath away, her blue orbs drinking in the gray and white lass in front of her for a moment. When she decided the other girl seems friendly enough Ace takes a step forward and offers her nose, breathing the mare's scent in.

"I'm Acelynn," she smiles, pulling back.


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