The Lost Islands

i trace the ghosts of your bones;

Posted on August 8, 2014 at 03:28:16 AM by Cut Up Angel


His presence whispers to her, unknowingly summoning up those emotions of attachment and longing and excitement that were still all to foreign and strange to her. His exotic cologne drifts towards her with the ever shifting zephyrs and she turns to let his broad painted frame fall into full view of her voidless black eyes. Despite her original hatred and loathing for the strong warlord who had ultimately dominated her in the throws of this very season only a year past, CUA could not deny her slowly growing attachment for him. It was not until the day she had seen the steel gray mare with him had she known that such attachment could even exist in her body, much less be directed for the great painted brute. She remembered the day now as clearly as if it had happened only yesterday, remembered the anger that flared in her soul and the immediate dislike of the girl that swooned so happily around Soljor's feet. Despite herself she found her long banner whisking irritably against the sleek curve of her flanks.

His call broke the spell however, shattering the visions of months past and drawing her thoughts back to the present and the approaching stallion. His nearness sent waves of excitement coursing through her veins for his attention was focused on her for once in many moons now. He had come to her when first she'd sought refuge and solitude far from the rest of the herd, much father than she usually strolled. He had seen his daughter then, and though never a word had passed between them she could see how her conception weighed upon him. Even now he approaches her as though he is afraid. Afraid she might turn her back and run... or afraid she might lash out at him in anger, which she is not sure but he is reserved to say the least and she cannot help the coy grin that spills its way across the delicate curve of her ashen labrums nor the teasing and perhaps a bit taunting lilt that echoes in her voice. "Afraid I might bite? Come now Soljor I thought we were past such reservation." she breathes turning to face him. She continues stare at him, emotionless black eyes blinking up at him from behind the thick veil of alabaster lashes and unruly forelock that seems forever determined to settle just over the arch of her brow. A single dial flickers towards him, waiting for the equally snappy response that was sure to follow. Despite how things had originally transpired, despite the manner in which brought them together, not a day went by now that CUA regretted having been forced to follow him. No doubt there were far more stallions out there who were far less accepting of such a stubborn and headstrong creature such as herself, and no doubt many others who would demand her keep close instead of the free rein to do as she pleased that Soljor allowed her. "It has been awhile Soljor..." she continues after a moment, turning her feral gaze back to the vast open landscape that surrounded them, letting her eyes linger for a moment on the waters that lapped gently along the shore. Although she could not see her from here, she did not doubt that Harlequin was down there, staring off into the ocean and the distant islands that surrounded the Bay. One day the filly would grow brave enough to dare to venture into the waters... that day was drawing closer but thankfully it was not here yet.

"You have been busy?" she finishes, her words falling in the form of question though it was more of a statement of facts. She had seen him tirelessly patrolling the borders when the wolves had sung their loudest. She had seen him relentlessly ushering his other young daughter back towards the russet mare she has come to know as Fly when the filly ventured to far off. Unlike Harlequin, the young girl was adventurous and determined it would seem to follow in every footprint of her father's. It was quite amusing his diligence and yet it left her aching. A strange aching that she has never known.


the stars have fallen and the sky weeps


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