S H A T T E R P O I N T - " />

At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.




Dear Homeland

It was impressive, say, the girl was the key to Kadiri’s whole purpose at the moment… yet for the most part he barely took notice of her. Aside from his few comments, serving to better condition her as his temporary pawn, Kad was oblivious to her being. He heard her whimpers, knew that he must have inflicted damage on the small bodice, but it wasn’t in him to care - not even in the slightest. She was nothing but material for use to him; it was to the raiders that she would serve her value. In his better days, the athletic dragga would have snapped at a soldier for whining, told them to suck it up and MOVE ON. Nevertheless this Macaria was no soldier and the brute’s energy was beginning to flatline. Charging across varying landscapes for days fuelled on nothing but madness had left the beast with nothing more sophisticated in his mind than getting the task done as fast as possible with the stamina and emotional capacity he stilled controlled.

“Fair enough Miss Macaria. Cooperation is good, you will make this much easier”, for him at least… her path was far darker than his at the end of the line - or perhaps not, maybe he was already lost in darkness. The girl’s unyielding gaze was beginning to reach Kad’s awareness. He met it with shimmering opal stargazers, expecting her to avoid his wild stare - she didn’t. Whatever. Even as he turned his back - trusting that she wouldn’t flee (not that she would get anywhere far) - Kadiri could feel her “studying” him. A cocky smirk sent his features into a spiralling chute of looks and smoky hot headedness, some of the old Kad. Have fun little darling… see if you can stand the big leagues. Her intensity didn’t distract the golden prince, he was used to even more interest though notably he was usually better groomed than this.

The little femme’s next words sent a barking laugh out of frigid waters. So now she was getting philosophical, was she? Kad ignored the annoyance that urged him to strike at her talkative little soul again… but he held back this time. Fine, that was fine. Some of his composure was returning and on top of that Kadiri had always been good at talking. Words were powerful; he wondered if she understood that too. “Wise words Miss Macaria. I hate to disagree, but it depends on your definition of power. Would you cross me now?” A dangerous hint of humour slipped across Kad’s unforgiving eyes. “I can promise you that it would be a mistake. I do not need your respect, unfortunately. All I require is something much more subconscious. A calculation of survival you see; innately, whether you want to or not, your instincts will yield to my strength as I am stronger than you. That or you face harm”. Interestingly enough, she had already proved this as she cringed at a simple snarl - she feared him already. Fear is untamed but it can be herded in one direction or another… like sheep. His matter-of-fact tone was a habit drilled into his conditioned brain. The words came without much thought or planning, sure they were true but to Kad they were generic, blank, just for “discussion” purposes. Besides, a little intellect to pull his mind away from its newly inhabited dark whole was much welcome.

“Humour me Miss Macaria and consider this - to truly understand power you must have had it”.

Kadiri walked on, he didn’t take the same direction from which he had came - that would allow the young vixen to possibly predict their path. Not that it would give her much of an edge but just to be safe…

“Where we are going is not important for your knowledge at the moment”.

Kadiri || Prince || Young Adult || Hearthrob || Soare Table by Mimi


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