The Lost Islands

I am the Jack and you are my Box

Days had passed and seasons had changed and for some time Fly had kept some distance between herself and Soljor until recently. Despite all the thoughts that weighed heavily on her mind Fly had wanted another child from her stallion and had went to him determined and demanding without words. Afterwards she had distanced herself again so that she could wade through more thoughts until now. It was now that she decided to share what was on her mind.

With a slight toss of her head the heavy bay mare had left her perch on a slight rise over the herd where she had been on watch to go in search of the painted man. It didn't take long to find his scent and she changed course to trek after him. As his scent grew stronger she stepped on a twig right before she let out a nicker to announce herself as she pulled up beside him.

Reaching over Fly aimed to bump his shoulder in greeting and drank in his fresh scent. "Soljor" she said with a smile as she raised his head to affectionately lip at his nose. "Is all well with you?" Fly asked, hoping he was in a good mood for all she wanted to discuss with him.


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