The Lost Islands

I am the Jack and you are my Box Magnus cont.

With his agreement to take a tour of their home, Fly had turned and began to plod along at a pretty decent pace. Her long swinging walk was an easy enough stride for her but for some that was shorter it may be harder to keep up with. Letting her dark brown eyes drift over to him as he fell in beside her she twisted an ear his direction as he spoke. Thinking carefully for a few moments she finally shook her head. “No, I’ve never heard of that name before.” She replied but that did not detour the happy mood she was presenting. “But I’ve been aiming to visit my family in the Forest. Maybe Soljor will let me accompany you there and see if anyone remembers the name?” Fly suggested hopefully. It would make for better travel not being alone and perhaps they could both accomplish something with a trip to Luthien. The bay mare was of course curious as to this stallion that Magnus spoke of and why he wanted to know about it. Maybe it was family since he had also spoken of his lineage being from there.

Casting her gaze back to the front as she walked along the scenery had changed slightly. Pines lined the land before them and to their right the land dipped away in a bowl like shape that would be considered a meadow if the grass would ever be allowed to grow. It was mainly where the herd stayed; in the open so that they could see any wolves if they dared approach. And it gave better grazing; somehow managing to support the growing herd. “This is mainly where the herd stays” she said, tipping her head in the direction of the open field below them. But the mare’s stride did not slow as she continued on and into the pines seemingly following an invisible path.


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