A wide river dominates this section of the forest. Romance is in the air, and wolves of all ages come to search for their mate.


Things we lost to the flames.


A mixed hued coat- darkened by multi-toned browns- lay thick and tight against the male’s disproportionate frame. Muscles, contracting and relaxing as he stretched his limbs in a steady motion, rippled underneath his robes. Slowly but surely his physique was beginning to grow and though still exiting the late stages of pup-hood, Felan was growing into a finely tuned, healthy and athletic creature. Physically he was his father’s twin- gaining his height and skeletal stature already- but in looks and personality he was a clone of his mother. Their coats were almost indifferent, though Felan was darker than his nursemaid, and both held within them a fiery personality that could get them in and out of trouble with ease. He was merciless, even now at such a young age, and if moulded correctly he would turn out to be a dangerously useful weapon- especially in the wrong paws. The male was also beginning to learn about his abilities- manipulation being one of them; though he had not been able to try out this newly found skill.

Once again the young male had managed to slip past his mother’s protective gaze, sprinting without hesitation away from his family’s current resting place. Not even a second glance was sent their way as he moved through the thick shrubs; flying through the shadows and chasing the spotlights of sun that tore through the weak arms of trees that lined the horizon and earth beyond his view. As he raced through the forest, stones gripped uncomfortably between his pads causing him to stumble occasionally before coming to an abrupt halt. His emerald lanterns, specked with brown flecks, searched the terra before him. It was clear from the winding path he now stood upon, that this journey had been taken by many before him and so- despite the odd grimace that contorted his face as pebbles scratched against his pads- Felan was optimistic that he was heading to somewhere of interest and was quick to continue with his journey.

As he travelled small twigs and foreign bodies gripped to his coat, falling off at random intervals and therefore helping to repopulate the natural earth. However he found that soon the small leeches began to irritate his skin and no matter how much he tried to groom himself, some managed to worm their way deeper into his coat and scrape against the vulnerable flesh hidden by his robes. With a sigh of annoyance the teen pushed off the ground he had previously sat upon in order to relieve himself of the irritation before racing through the forest once again. Frustration began to gurgle in his chest as he sprinted aimlessly through foliage picking up more and more twigs. That was until he noticed, out the corner of his eye, the trees opening up into a sort of clearing, where a river ran peacefully through it and he immediately changed direction so that he ended up at the bank of the water.

Without hesitation the youngster lunged into the refreshing liquid, landing not far away from the bank but in deep enough water that he had to swim to keep afloat. In mere seconds he could feel the bodies leave his coat and a weak, wavering, sigh left his jaws as he turned towards the river bank and was soon back upon dry land.

Water droplets flew through the air as the youngster shook out his coat, drying himself somewhat in the process. The sand beneath his feet was soon damp and muddy and so the lad moved from the spot and back onto a patch of grass warmed by the sun. His haunches were soon rested upon the ground allowing the male to gaze along the river’s edge peacefully. It was full of sickening couples, smooching and flirting, and being downright disgusting. A small snarl left the youngsters maw as he snapped at the air in dismay before something else caught his eye. A female... alone. From here she didn’t look much older than he did and her coat, she now took to grooming, looked spectacular. Being in his pubescent stage, Felan was beginning to notice feya’s; there curves and beauty starting to build a knot of pleasing spiders in his gut. It was a sensation that he was beginning to crave and now as he watched this vixen intently, the feeling in his gut began to move further down his body.

Swiftly the youngster was up on his feet and moving towards the lady, with no plan of what to say or do when he finally reached her; which was quicker than he expected. His paws quickly came to a halt, skidding slightly as he did so and kicking the smallest dust cloud of sand over the maiden. For moments he remained quiet just staring at the fae before finally he spoke; ”That’s a stupid place to lay you know.”


||Felan|Male|Nomad|Loveless|Spawnless|Son of Kyron & Azula|Brother to Corde||xhollowremains||


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