The Lost Islands

I am the Jack and you are my Box

Fly had not expected a race to the one who had called out and so the grey mare that picks her place to run at the red draft's side is surprising. Ears twisting towards the stranger with a curious look she doesn't make any comment and stays at her original pace, not for a moment thinking she can out run the lighter made mare.

Though Fly finds herself in the midst of the conversation with ease the mare who had ran beside her hangs back. Once she has introduced herself, Fly then twists her head around to look at the grey with one ear forward and one ear back wondering why she hadn't joined the group or given a name. To have been so bold only moments ago she seemed awefully shy now.

With a soft snort Fly moves so she is standing more beside CUA despite the space lingering between them so that the grey mare is no longer behind her. Eyes drifting over the silent one Fly wonders just how long this mare has been here and where Soljor has picked her up from. But silence clings to her tongue and she waits patiently for her name first before pummeling her with so many questions.

Ooc: bleh, this posts sucks


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