The Lost Islands


choose your battles
“I’m glad to hear everything’s good,” The painted stallion was grateful things hadn’t been upset in the Inlet. “I saw a chestnut stallion a few weeks ago and was worried you’d disappeared. Tinuvel seems to be rough on herds in general.” Truthfully, he’d only ever heard of Warsaw. He’d never seen the previous Inlet owner, but he knew Dexter had up and abandoned the place just before he settled in. So, there had to be something about the cold most equines didn’t like.

“Yes, foals do keep things lively,” Soljor laughed. “I had three daughters this past season and they are growing up so fast. They’re getting older and more adventurous. A little worrisome, but there’s several older mares in the herd now, so that’s encouraging. Maybe they’ll learn a little.” Thinking about Stardust’s wandering gaze and Harlequin’s fascination with the otters and the sea in general seemed to indicate that would not be happening.

But a father could hope.

“I hope the wolves didn’t give you as much trouble as they gave me,” Soljor snorted. “Devil dogs… I had to move the herd onto the beach a lot earlier than I wanted to. The wolves kept coming at us in the forest. I’d prefer if they were less heavy come spring.” His mind wandered to his mares. So many had come to him, even Cut up Angel. With or without words, he’d known what they wanted and he wanted it too. “I’m expecting more foals in spring. Three yearlings and hopefully four foals.” He snorted. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with all that. At least I’ve got a good second.”

He looked at Dogun. “His names Magnus. He’s young, three years old or so. He’s a spotted horse with black like me. Light weight though. In case you see him around — hopefully he won’t go trespassing or anything. He’s been great so far, a bit anxious though.” He shook his head. “Keeps darting off to the Crossing. I think this is his first fall where he’s around females.” Soljor laughed. Hormones could do crazy things — he could attest to that.

“Any other news you’ve heard? I haven’t managed to get off Tinuvel in months,” True enough, but he was considering a visit soon. Maybe he should expand his family a bit more. Another mare or two couldn’t really hurt.

stallion | six | 16.0 hh | gypsy vanner mutt | silver smoky black tobiano | leads the bay | o melhor x tallynne
character and html (c) blushie 2014 || image by ethereal-foxx || credits

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