The Lost Islands


choose your battles
Soljor was glad for a moment to simply watch his girls. Magnus was taking a trip off to the Crossing for… reasons. He was expecting the boy to come back any time now with a mare in tow. He felt sorry that Chimeras had vanished without a trace, and seemed to take Fantazer with her. These things happened though. The wolves were no longer about and the strange tracks had stayed in the high regions near the abandoned Arch.

He was glad that the group seemed to be going smoothly. Eyes strayed to Mercury, who had decided to stay close for now. He and Cut up Angel were at least on speaking terms now. Which was far better than the place they’d been a year before. Caught up in his thoughts, he only vaguely heard Rattlebone’s approach. He smiled at the mare as she complimented him.

“Thank you,” He said to the tall mare. “I hope they stay up there. Last winter was difficult.” He hoped that there wouldn’t be a repeat. But at least there were two stallions now and most of the mares had experience in driving off a scragglier. He was glad for Rattlebone’s presence. He’d been meaning to talk with her. It was hard to find time for everything in the day sometimes.

His smile faded a bit as Rattlebone brought up the lack of an alpha mare. He glanced back over the herd. They had weathered last winter without one. But the herd had been smaller then. And there had not been the matter of fillies. He could see the three of them now, galavanting about with Caliber.

“I would have thought someone would have spoken up by now,” Soljor admitted. “Things have just been… hectic lately. Summer is a strange time I guess.” He looked at Rattlebone. A push? “What would you suggest? “ He would not simply name a mare. An alpha mare had power, had rights and authority. She was in charge, spoke for the herd. He knew he could attempt to impose his authority and select one… but that would be seen as favoritism. He wouldn’t start a lead mare under that reputation. “This is my first herd… my father certainly wasn’t an example.”

stallion | six | 16.0 hh | gypsy vanner mutt | silver smoky black tobiano | leads the bay | o melhor x tallynne
character and html (c) blushie 2014 || image by ethereal-foxx || credits


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