The Lost Islands

everything’s made to be broken

The warm touch of Dock’s skin against his was pleasant, but the gentle shaking of her sobs was not. He was glad that she did not pull away from him, however, and it calmed him somewhat as she seemed to relax a little and, eventually, her loud sobs dissolved into silent tears.

Valentine tried not to tense up as he listened to what few words Dock could muster, not wanting to unsettle her as she leant against him, but he struggled to contain the anger than he could feel beginning to surge through his veins.

Valentine despised rapists at the best of times, but how could anyone do something so evil to such an innocent creature? To Dock? He did not quite know why he felt so protective of this girl, who could just barely be called a friend, but he knew that he would avenge her without hesitation if given the opportunity.

“I know you did,” he replied, his deep voice little more than a whisper.

At her next words he was less gentle, however. Shaking his head, he nudged her firmly in the back with his nose in chastisement.

“Don’t you dare say that,” he insisted, the rumble in his voice almost a growl. “It’s not your fault. If you start letting yourself believe that it will eat you from the inside out and there’ll be nothing you can do.”

He fell silent, both thinking and trying not to at the same time. He wanted to pull away and look her in the eye – those pretty blue eyes of hers – but he didn’t. He liked the feel of her stood so close to him, and he wouldn’t move until she did.

“Please don’t be scared, Dock,” he said, though he knew it was a lot to ask.

He let the silence continue for a long, drawn-out moment.

“You only have to say the word... his name.”

you bleed just to know you’re alive


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