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Davis Cup draw - see inside

The actual draw takes place this Thursday afternoon, but the seeds have been announced today so we know the possibilities (see below). I haven't actually checked them all but I'm pretty sure we have a reasonable chance of a home tie for the first round, which is in early March.

Seeds announced for Draw for 2015 Davis Cup by BNP Paribas

France and Switzerland head the seeds for the Draw for the World Group of the 2015 Davis Cup by BNP Paribas, which will take place at the ITF AGM in Dubai on Thursday 18 September at 19:00 local time (15:00 GMT). The draw will be streamed live on www.daviscup.com

According to the Davis Cup Regulations, the two finalist nations are seeded No. 1 and No. 2 in the World Group for the following year, and will be drawn in opposite halves. Seeds 3-8 are in accordance with the latest ITF Davis Cup Nations Ranking of 15 September.

World Group

1. France

2. Switzerland

3. Czech Republic

4. Serbia

5. Argentina

6. Italy

7. USA

8. Canada

The seeded nations will be drawn against the remaining World Group nations: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Croatia, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, Kazakhstan.


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