The Lost Islands

fragile hope

Peyton was curled up fast asleep next to her mother’s hind left hoof when Stardust nudged her. At first the young filly grumpily flicked her ears as if it was a pesky fly and turned her head away without ever opening her eyes. But with the second time Stardust said her name; she huffed and opened her brown eyes to stare up at the painted girl. Her sister was the mischievous kind that liked adventure but Peyton wasn’t so headstrong. Instead she was shy and quiet and generally stuck to Fly’s side like a burr.

The young filly was curious now to what her sister wanted; never before had she come and woke her up like this without their mother noticing. Glancing to Fly now, Peyton sees that the mare is still fast asleep. Uncurling her legs, the buckskin filly pulls herself up and shakes away the snow that clings to her thick fluffy pelt before tossing her head for Stardust to lead the way from their mother’s side. Only when they are out of hearing range so as not to be caught does Peyton speak.

“Where are we going, Stardust?” Her voice is timid, wary but somehow she had found the courage this day to follow her sister despite the brief glance back towards the herd.

ooc: sorry I don't have html yet :(


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