At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


Disappear only to Reappear

The wind beat the sweat out of him as his giant gait tried to swallow the world whole. His legs hurtled him forward, a rush working its way up his spine. Staircase Falls was getting closer to him by the second, and suddenly the cold scent of water was flown at him. He took a deep breath, only pausing for a second before running up the small hill and jumping to the next side over. The dirt was soft and dark brown, hitting the tops of his ankles as he slowed to a final stop. Where he sat, the sharp rocks jutted out to the sky with the fastest rushing water sending themselves tumbling. He lowered his body closer to the cool dirt, the warm sun baking off of him and letting itself back into the air. Rolling onto his back, the green leaves whistled their greetings to him as he turned himself over, sneezing out a breath of air before turning around. His eyes started to close and he felt the warmth start to slip back into him.

It seemed like he was not asleep for long, but instead he awoke with a breath of fresh air. The perfume was not one of being strange or not understandable. It awoke something in him that he was only truly beginning to know. And his icy gaze opened, the soft cream and black of his mate met his gaze. Her weight was gently supported against him, and he felt her mold into him. It was soft and gracious, and Zev wrapped his head around her. How he had just realized how much he had wanted this. His figure awakened to what love was. Something impenetrable. Something he would never grow tired of. Something that could never be broken. “Athene.” The words came out from nothing but a whisper, and again he breathed deep. A smile spread from his face, but it began with a warmth in his heart. He. Was. Home. And he would forever be with his beginning love safe under the body of muscle.

He reached his jaw forward and pulled at her ear, a wave of need billowed him. But he was keeping it at bay, for there were things even he was not ready for. His tongue slithered silently out of his kissers, gently tracing the girl’s cheek bone and up around to her eyes. So this was love. It was not warmth, it was not bitter chill. It was a spark that had nothing to do with fire, or electricity. It was a power that must be wielded with great care. It must not be abused. Zev lost the sound of the water, as he was preoccupied with gracious lust for love. He had gotten what he had wanted. But in the end, he had gotten more.

Pulling his great head away, the crash of the falls resounded with a bang. Light poured through to his irises, and the world seemed so far out of his reach. However, it was only for a moment. The soft perfume of the girl seemed to glow throughout his body, now that he was made of it. “I have said it before, and I will for the rest of my life. I love you.”


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