The Lost Islands

never stop dreaming

— Reach for the stars —

He didn't get lectured or scolded, Kodi notices. Wait till he told sissy! He could just imagine the look of rage on Luana's face. Lost in his excitement Kodiak misses the first part of what Soljor says, only tuning back in when he questions the colt.

Kodiak looks up at his father with a bit of a puzzled look now. Was this a trick question? Kodi doesn't answer right away, thinking for a couple minutes and shuffling his hooves until finally he decides on what to say. "Yes?" He cocks his head to the side, slowly blinking at his sire in the most innocent way. That was a good reply, right? Kodiak thought so, a happy grin appearing on his lips.

Kodi had a short attention span, and it showed as he looked away to watch a couple birds fly high above them. He sidesteps on his long legs when he tips his head up to see them go off. Suddenly a thought pops into his little head. "Hey," he pokes at his father's shoulder with his nose, "can we go exploring before mama wakes?" He was eager to see more than just the clearing the herd stayed in. Acelynn had told him there were bad things out there that would love to have him as a snack, but all he saw were birds, rabbits and the occasional deer. They ate plants, not foals. His mama must have acorns for brains if she thinks those things would eat him.

Newborn - Colt - Mixed - Smoky Black Splash - 16.0hh(wfg)
html © dante. background image © ineedfire.


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