The Lost Islands

i'm digging for fire

filly | hybrid | sooty cremello tobiano | soljor x rattlebone

Hollowshank was not far from her mother’s sight as she stood watching her spotted friend canter in circles around her. She couldn’t remember why Nemain had started but she wondered silently if the girl would ever stop. She had to be getting tired and yet she did not slow or waver. Hollowshank wondered if Nemain was expecting her to say or do something. Perhaps she had she been given a task and had just forgotten what it was, or she just hadn’t been listening at all. She cast a quiet look over to where her pale mother grazed but found no reminders or help in doing so. Maybe Nemain was broken.

A shrill and terrifying scream broke through the relative silence and echoed off the rocky walls of the bay. Hollowshank’s ears flicked back in fear and Nemain came to an abrupt halt, her green eyes rolling back to reveal the whites. Rattlebone began moving in their direction, her gaze cast out to where the sound of a frightened foal had originated. She spotted the black and white colt not too far off with a black filly approaching. Her ears swivelled cautiously as she passed by the frozen fillies, her nostrils flaring wide. Satisfied that there was no danger, she nickered to the girls to join to other two foals. If there was some unseen danger, she wanted all four foals close.

Satisfied with her mother’s assurance, Hollowshank pranced past her to meet the two unknown foals. Nemain would have been right with her, perhaps passing her to get there first but all that circling had caught up with her. She took a few unsteady steps before tumbling over and writhing on the ground. Her gangly legs kicked out uselessly as she rolled around trying to find her feet before eventually giving in and laying her head flat out on the ground. She watched the three small, spinning figures through narrowed eyes, noting Rattlebone’s presence on the outer edge of the small group.

Hollowshank reached the pair just as the filly took off and would have been toppled by her if she had not sidestepped quickly. She snorted softly, stopping in her tracks and looking between the two foals, ”Um” she wasn’t really sure how to do the whole greeting thing and instead stood dumbly. Nemain had been the one who had come up to her so she hadn’t had to do this before. What had Nemain done? She couldn’t remember. She looked down at her hooves embarrassed, only chancing a few brief glances as she spoke in a quiet, shy voice "I… Hollowshank. Uh…you?”

Nemain, now upright but still half stumbling managed to reach the three of them now. "Euuuuurgh, circles baaaaaad" she huffed amusedly and threw her head over the dappled back of Hallowshank to steady herself. Her green eyes flicked between the two strangers, "Name's Nemain, wha'd I miss?"

filly | hybrid | black near leopard | magnus x morrigan


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