The Lost Islands

they shine

Stardust was quite certain that if anyone could talk Soljor out of his plan, it was Fly. Her mother was the bay’s queen after all. Which made Stardust a princess. And shouldn’t princesses get a little bit of preferential treatment. Her mother’s nose on her shoulder did calm her down a bit. It also was a quiet insistence on remaining still.

“Dad said that he’s gonna send me to a new stallion soon,” Stardust paused. “Ok, fine. Not soon soon. But spring soon. And he said he’d already picked and…” Stardust took a breath. “I don’t want to do it. I’m not getting a choice. Can’t you just talk to him?”

And there was the little painted one’s rant. It didn’t seem like a big deal. But to the adventurous filly, this was a horrible thing. Because, it was real now. Not just something her dad threw out casually when he was sick of her antics. He’d picked a stallion. He’d found a home and she didn’t get a say. But hopefully, her mother would be able to fix it.

do the stars gaze back? now there's a question
mare || yearling || mutt || black tobiano || 15.3 wfg || the bay || soljor x fly
character and html (c) BLUSHIE 2014 and on :: picture by calloftherain on DA


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