The Lost Islands

saving grace

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Fly listened to her daughter and was relatively surprised at what she had to say. Soljor had picked Stardust a home and hadn't even bothered to tell her? It caused a brief flash of irritation and although she knew it was his job, couldn't he have at least told her where he was sending their child? Regardless, Fly couldn't show Stardust that she disagreed in case she saw it as a weakness to take against her father. The bay mare could only imagine how much she had already used against the man.

"Stardust." Fly said almost sternly; not in a mean way, only to let her know that Fly was being serious. "Your a young lady now and for every young mare this day comes. Its a new beginning in your life filled with adventures and new friends. Your father would never send you to a mean stallion, you must know that." Fly hoped that Stardust was listening despite the fact it wasn't what she wanted to hear. Fly's father had never done this to her as Soljor was doing to Stardust. The dark stallion had let his children stay as long as they liked to choose their own paths. But that was a rare quality that Fly had not seen in anyone else.

"Let's go and talk to your father together." Fly offered with a soft smile. "Perhaps its not as bad as it seems."

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