The Lost Islands

the ancestor's relic

Olaf moved a few more feet inland, dipping his head down to pick at a few blades of sparse grass while he waited for Magnus or someone else to respond to his call. His ebony tail swished idly about his hocks, ears swivelling to and fro as he listened for approaching hoof beats. He did not need to wait long but it was not his son who came, but a mare who looked familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time. His head snapped up immediately and his caramel eyes fixed onto her form, scrutinising every detail. Though the colours were different, the build and spotting were almost identical and the mare even smelled a little like his Warsong.

His mind replayed the speckled mare’s words. She had birthed only two children; one dead, the other a colt. Had Warsong lied to him? Perhaps this mare was a sister or other close relative. He snorted, arching his neck to bring his head it toward as chest and moved towards her. His ears flicked back at her demand though did not pin. He ignored her question completely.”What relation of Warsong are you?” he demanded in his gruff, nordic accent, extending his muzzle to hers to gain as much information as possible. He didn’t bother to ask if she was a relation, that much had been as clear as day.

Before he could question the silver black mare any further however, a low call demanded his attention. Keeping the mare in his sights – and he noted her sight was obviously not all there – he moved slightly to face the stallion better. He was thicker set than Olaf and bore a thicker coat. ”Hail. I am Olafur Wolfheart of the Dunes. I am here to meet potential allies." Olaf saw little point in beating around the bush. "What is your name, vinur?”

stallion // clydesdale/shire/quarter horse // sixteen.two // smoky black // EE/aa/nCr // kisei x ársæl


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