The Lost Islands

wear it like armor

Posted on December 12, 2014 at 03:02:58 AM by Bastian


It seemed that he was not the only one eager to escape the repressive silence that had settle over the Inlet. Regardless of the Bjorn's reason for being here, Bastian was glad for the grullo boy's company, glad for the familiar face to anchor him in a sea of the unknown. And it seemed to Bastian that Bjorn was glad to see him as well, though there was an edge of anxiety to his voice - as if he was afraid of the answer to the questions he was asking. Before Bastian could reassure the younger colt, however, they were interrupted by the arrival of a black and white boy. Exhaling his breath in a burst of silvery vapor, the bay juvenile blew a warm breath into the top of Bjorn's mane, lending him comfort and courage like any big brother would.

"I'm Bastian," the young stallion offered, shaking the tangles from his dark mane. "And this is Bjorn. If you're wondering why he's so small, his mom left him out in the sun too long and he shrank." A chuckle rumbled deep in the older colt's throat as he awaited Bjorn's indignant response, but then the red filly arrived breathless and dripping with saltwater, and the laughter died on Bastian's lips. "Yeah, we just came from the Inlet," Bastian confirmed, his heavy hooves shuffling idly so that the feathers covering them dusted the earth. "But you don't want to go there, do you? It's been so boring there since Alethi and Naomi left, Bjorn's the only one who will play with me now."

He paused for half a heartbeat, and then his brown eyes were suddenly eager. "Hey, you guys wanna play a game or something? No, wait! We could go see what's in that cave!" His heavy head gestured toward a dark hole located halfway up the mountain. They didn't have anything that cool in the Inlet.

Unless you counted trees; there were always plenty of those.

colt / yearling / bay sabino / draft mix / 16.2hh

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