The Lost Islands

saving grace

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Fly had followed along behind her daughter but the temper tantrum that Stardust was showing had left the bay mare feeling nearly exhausted. It caused so many thoughts to go pooring through her head of what ifs and what should be done. She trusted Soljor but she had not picked him either. The bay mare had simply picked her home and the painted stallion just happened to be there. She could only say that she had been lucky on how understanding he was and how solid he had been to have not disappeared like she knew so many others did.

As she approached him, Fly extended her nose to bump at his shoulder as she came around to stand beside him and face Stardust. "Stardust has told me that you have picked her new home." she said softly, moving to lean her shoulder into his. "But I think our daughter has forgotten to ask where since she has not told me the place you plan to send her." The mare would at least see where the painted girl was being sent before making an opinion. Though she would still ask the stallion why he had not told her; why he had not let her have an opinion before making such a lasting decision.

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