bright eyes%01 blinded by fear of light - " />
The Lost Islands

bright eyes, blinded by fear of light

Hard hot breath shot from the silver mares nose and she stomped her foot with a resounding crunch in the ground below them to display her displeasure of the entire situation. Olaf refused to acknowledge her question, and this aggravated her beyond belief. Had it been her mother, she would not have hesitated to lash out, but this stranger was a different question. The one thing that Moonstrike did learn from the spotted mare was that it was better to know her enemy than rush at it blindly.

“ Like I will tell you. I asked you first. “ the mare huffed sharply. She could hear Soljor, it was the first time she was about to meet him, too. She decided it was best to save confrontation with Olaf for another time, so she turned to leave the two stallions to their business. If Olaf needed his questions answered, he would have to find and question her another time.

Perhaps then she would be more compliant. For now the mare pulled back and turned away from the pair of them and ventured further into the territory.

mare // crossbreed // fifteen.two // six // silver black spotted blanket // vandy/bloodaxe


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