The Lost Islands

ashes to ashes; dust to dust (SOLJOR/JEDI)

Posted on December 18, 2014 at 01:32:34 PM by Cut Up Angel


They say time heals all wounds... CUA would never have believed that before coming here to the Islands... never would she have dared to imagine the possibility before she met Soljor... but now... after a rather rocky start, she was a firm believer. She distinctly remembered despising the great silvery black and white stallion. His brash and brutish ways had immediately rubbed her the wrong way and that coupled with the manner of which Harlequin was conceived... well it had not done much to change her mind. However, over time, he had changed... perhaps they had both changed. Despite having not wanted to bring the little black and white filly into the world, the adventurous little girl had done much to bring her mother and father together.

A soft smile ghosted across the ash dusted features of her delicate fascade as she remembered only last season bringing a healthy pair of twin colts into the world. She had been quite pleased with herself despite the strain and drain the birth had put on her body. It was because of this that she had chosen not to bear any of the hansom's children this season. She just didn't quite feel back to her usual self yet and call it intuition, but she just didn't think it would be the wisest choice now.

The gently billowing zephyrs billow around her now, lifting the soft silk-like tresses of her mane with invisible fingers. With the winds, it brought to her the strengthening scent of her beloved daughter. A knowing smirk danced across her features as she catches sight of the black and white girl slipping noiselessly from the surf and immediately rolling around on the sandy shores to rid whatever scents from the other islands from her coat. Harlequin might think herself sly and cunning as a fox, but if she were the fox, her mother was the wise wolf and those voidless black eyes watch knowing full well this is not just the first occasion that her eldest has slipped away. While she did not exactly condone her daughter slipping away from the Bay unguarded and unprotected, especially at this time of the year... she could not quite bring herself to tell Soljor of her suspicions... after all, the girl it would seem inherited her mother's adventurous spirit and knowing that before to much longer Soljor planned on settling the child down with a suitable stallion didn't quite set firmly with her. She still felt, despite how well things have worked out for her, that Harlequin deserved to make her own choices... but well, sometimes choices were never really ours to make.

None the less she calls to the girl now, beckoning her to the little silverlings side, curious to hear her explanation this time for why she was dirty and soaked to the bone.


the stars have fallen and the sky weeps


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