The Lost Islands

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Wondering to herself how Soljor would react, it was driving her a bit kooky, honestly. Arachne knew she should have brought it to his attention that she had taken Oliza under her care, and that they should have stayed with the bay, but the poor girl had been shattered when she woke up to find her mother dead. It was something that Arachne figured she could save her from all of the turmoil of being near her mother for too long after she passed. Oliza and Neilina had bonded, fast, sure, and forever. The girls looked identical in markings, their base colors varied slightly and that was the only thing that allowed you to tell them apart from one another. Oh, and their eyes. Nei was a fiery red and white filly, with blue-green eyes, where Oliza was a creamy tan and white filly, with hazel, nearly gold colored eyes. But their markings were nearly identical in pattern, closely to the pattern their father carried, only a little less flashy, a little more, girlie, in appearance. It was strange, how close they looked to being twins, yet born to different dams.

It didn’t change their dynamic though, thick as thieves, they never strayed away from one another, fearing they would be lost without each other. And Arachne found it comforting to know if she was off somewhere, they would have each other, no matter what.

The sound of Soljor approaching caught her attention, and she turned her head reaching her nose out to brush it against his. She breathed in softly as she looked at him. “I’m soo sorry Soljor…” She paused her eyes drifting over to the girls as they played. They both kept shooting glances in the direction of Arachne and Soljor, but they kept playing. Arachne drew in a deep breath as she turned her attention back to Soljor. “But when I found Sophia was dead, Oliza was just crying, I couldn’t get her to stop, but Nei could. I wasn’t thinking right and just wanted to get her away from her mother’s body, before any more damage would be done. I am so sorry for not saying anything to you.” She dropped her nose, looking at the ground, unsure what he would say.

five, femme, dapple grey (chestnut) tobiano, the bay

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