Welcome to the Topspin message board - the place for all Tim Henman fans!

This message board was set up primarily for members of Tim's official fan club, Topspin, but if you're still interested in what Tim's doing with tennis now he's retired then you're welcome to check here for news.

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Re(2): Christine Straw - see inside

Many thanks for all your email messages - I'll pass on your condolences to the family. Also thanks to all who've sent contributions to the Topspin donation, which I think will end up being around £200, or maybe a bit more - I've spoken to Nigel again this morning and they've decided to donate to Macmillan, so it will be going to a very good cause.

The funeral arrangements were only finalised yesterday and it's now going to be at 4.15 on Tuesday 20th at Chichester Crematorium. Liz and I will be going and Vicky is hoping to join us so Topspin will be represented, but if anyone else can make it I'm sure you'll be very welcome.


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