The Lost Islands

ashes to ashes; dust to dust

Posted on January 14, 2015 at 05:16:34 PM by Cut Up Angel


Despite having lived in the cold weather that was common in the Bay for many moons now, my darling little bonechild still found the winter months to be quite hard to handle. This year however, the biting northern winds seemed to be far fiercer than they had in the years before. When first she came here, her silvery white hide was covered in the thin desert born hairs of her breed. However, after years now, she has managed to grow a reasonably thicker coat. By no means is her silver hide as thick and course as SOLJOR's or her own children's, but it is much thicker than when she first arrived. A cold driven shiver works its way down her spine now as she leaner closer to Rownan's side, sharing her body heat with that of the yearling. Despite having a thicker coat even he too shivered against the cold winds.

The winds were growing stronger with each passing second. Snowflakes curled around them in fierce flurries, latching onto her alabaster hide and thickset lashes. Black eyes strain against the flurry to catch a glimpse of the painted stallion SOLJOR as he calls out. Raven tipped ears flicker to catch the drifts of his conversation between FLY and MAGNUS. As she assumed a storm was approaching, no doubt that was the main reason behind SOLJOR's decision to move the herd into the shelter of the caves, that an a part of her could not help but to think that he thought about her and the warm nature in which she originated from. Paper-thin nostrils flare as she exhales, her hot breath drifting away in a plume of smoke. Delicate fascade extends to nudge Rownan into motion, urging him forward. She would not wait around for Fly to get the herd moving for it would seem as if the chestnut was caught up in her own thoughts for the moment. The caves was were Soljor intended them to all go and so the caves is where CUA would make sure to be. Regal crown is lifted proudly as my delicate silverling starts forward, her steps high and prancing as she pushes through the deep snowdrifts towards the caves, leaving a path in her wake for Rownan and the others to follow should they too so choose to begin moving instead of waiting around.


the stars have fallen and the sky weeps


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