The Lost Islands

I hope that you remember me;

Oh misty eye of the mountain below...

It was cold. Despite having a much thicker coat than his desert born mother, Rownan could not stop shivering against the biting winds that whipped around the Bay with all the fury of old man winter. Mother was in no better shape, despite how emotionless she liked to appear, especially towards anything discomforting, the little silver white mare shook constantly. She tried not to let him worry but despite himself the yearling's brows furrowed with concern and he kept himself pressed tightly against her side. He did bother to ask mother if she ever remembered a winter being so cold, but she had simply shook her head, not having the strength to stammer out a reply against the cold winds.

There was an eminent charge in the air, a sense of danger and change. Father must have felt it too because it wasn't long after his question to the alabaster mare does he hear the resounding rumble of his father's call. Blackened ears stand alert against the thick layer of mane that falls haphazardly across the flat of his nose. Ivory lashes blink back against the snow flurries as he lets his dark earthen eyes follow the broad frame of his father as he steps high through the deepening snow, commanding Fly to get the herd moving while he and Magnus pick up the rear.

A part of him wanted to charge off after father and Magnus, to test his skills at herding and show father that he could indeed help but then mother moved and instinct kicked in. As Cut Up Angel pushed through the snowdrifts, he too charged through the thick drifts to walk abreast of her, determined to at the very least pretend he knew where they were going. "Shouldn't we wait for Fly and the others mom?" he asked glancing at the silver mare. Movement is captured in his peripheral and Rownan pauses for just a moment to glance back at the filly that followed in Cut Up Angel's tred marks. Although he had not met the girl first hand, he did not doubt the filly was his sister.... he had a lot of those. A friendly smile is sent towards her as he drops back to walk alongside her, his smallish muzzle reaching towards hers to exchange his hot breath with her own, "Do you know where we are going?"

Keep careful watch of my brothers souls


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