The Lost Islands

saving grace

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Fly had been quiet; watching both the storm and Soljor. Ever since she had first spotted the clouds she had kept Peyton close although the girl usually stayed close anyways. So when Soljor's bugle sounds across the land, the bay mare is ready. She snorted, giving a bob of her head before whirling in the direction of the caves and giving out a loud call of her own. It echoed nearly as loudly as Soljor's had and although it is not as deep it is still demanding. Fly only waits for the herd to gather more closely but it seemed CUA has other ideas. The bay mare watches as the desert born walks ahead with Rownan and suddenly Hollowshank. It causes her ears to flick back for a brief moment at the mare's actions but for now she doesn't have time to take care of it. As Rattlebone approaches. Fly reaches out to bump the larger mare's shoulder in greeting before calling out again.

With her last cry echoing around them, Fly sets off towards the caves. Though her coat is heavy and the feathers along her legs keep her warm; she knows that even she doesn't stand a chance against the storm that is brewing without a decent place to hide. So the mare sets off at a steady pace; her white legs carrying her at a trot. Wide chest plows easily through the drifts and she leaves an easy path behind her for the herd to follow. Peyton falls in step behind her mother; her ears flicking too and fro as both nervousness and excitement churn within the buckskin girl.

At such a steady pace it does not take long for her to overtake CUA and the two young horses. As Fly passes them; she pins her ears and snaps her tail to show her opinion to them leaving the herd. This was no time to go off like CUA had done when they all needed each other and that couldn't be done if they all thought they could go their own seperate ways. As she took front; Fly's ears flicked back forward and her brown eyes became watchful. Nose flaring she caught no scents of wolves, bears or any other predators but she knew they would need to be careful. With this storm everything would be looking for shelter.

As she approached the caves, Fly slowed to a long strided walk. Her ears were as far forward as she could push them and Peyton snorted loudly that echoed inside the caves. Taking in all scents she did not catch any new scents of predators and so cautiously walks inside the cave she had birthed Stardust. It was empty except for a few pebbles making it safe. The stone walls extended far enough that there would be room for every horse and so Fly turned and let out another low nicker to beckon everyone inside.

ooc: I've noticed that you've been calling Fly a chestnut for some time WolfieG, but she is actually a bay lol

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