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The Lost Islands

You're a sky full of stars


The bay was cold, nothing new there, but all of a sudden it just seemed to grow colder and colder. Luana could feel the chill seeping past her thick fuzzy coat as she moved from her hideaway in the trees to catch up to the others. She only heard a bit of what her father said, more intent on joining her mother and little brother. Yet as she walked and let her eyes do a quick look over the other moving bodies she can't seem to pinpoint either of them. This alarms the girl, knowing her mother would not have trailed off far from the herd without good reason to. Trying to keep her worrisome thoughts from taking over her somewhat calm composure, she turns from the group and trots over toward her father.

"Mama and Kodi are missing," she calls out to Soljor, her voice breaking with her hidden grief at the possibilities that swirled in her head. They could be lost, maybe a rogue stallion had taken them or worse. Luana shakes her head; no, they were fine. Her mama, while quiet and reserved, could protect herself and Kodiak well. Thinking that, Lu looks toward her father again, this time with pleading eyes for him or someone to go look for them.

html by shiva; character by MeggieBoo; pattern by starlove @ colourlovers


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