The X files aka The missing Cat

As some of you are aware, a horse was attacked in a Western Massachusetts town a few weeks ago by a large cat. The cat jumped on the large horses back and attempted to bite it in the neck, but got repelled and thrown off. It left a large patch of fur removed from the neck. The horse responded by stomping the cat to death. The caretaker called some state agency, (doesn't know which), and they responded. They found the cat, and the gentleman, described as wearing a uniform with a badge, took the cat away. He told the caretaker that the cat was 90+ pounds, and was a "large bobcat". OK, now the bite and description of the cat do not make sense. Now the owner, and several others, want to see what the deal is with this cat. Where is it? The Environmental Police, and Fish and Wildlife deny they took the cat. Attempts to figure out who responded have found nothing. Remember the story up in Vermont a year or two ago? Sounds VERY familiar doesn't it? Well nobody knows where this cat is, or the pictures taken of it. Remember Suffield Ct? The cat hit that never happened? I for one find all this very odd to say the least. Anyone know where the cat went?

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