this thing of darkness - " />
The Lost Islands

this thing of darkness

Sterre sighed as she felt Het Vuur’s lips press against her skin.

If they could just stay here, standing still and proud over their kingdom, it would be like nothing had ever changed. The past weeks with him had been nostalgic, but they were not the same as they had once been. If Sterre had changed then Het Vuur had morphed beyond all recognition, but not Tinuvel. Land was not so easy to change – the wearing away of rock and earth took much longer than the swift abrasions of time against the heart.

And though she had always thought it before, she was not made of rock.

Before the bittersweet taste of the moment could consume her, she was pulled from her reverie as Het Vuur lunged forwards with a nicker. He moved suddenly, with all the energy and sprightliness of a young colt, bounding through the snow, its white flakes clinging to his pelt like stars strewn across the inky night sky. And Sterre laughed. It was probably the first time she had laughed properly in such a long time – not that short, scornful sound that so often slipped from her lips, but proper, honest laughter.

She followed him further into the territory, more restrained than him, though when he veered towards her she would squeal and flick a little snow in his direction. She smiled as she watched him drop playfully to the ground to roll, shaking away most of the snow from her coat before he got up and did the same.

But when Het Vuur returned to his feet, his expression suddenly hardened, as the thought that crossed his mind slipped across his face as clearly as a raincloud obscuring the clear blue sky. Sterre frowned, watching him. She did not have to ask him what was wrong.

Slowly, she returned to his side.

“It hasn’t changed,” she said quietly. She hoped that the words would comfort him, though she knew it was not the same as seeing the truth for himself.

She was silent for a moment, contemplative, before she spoke again.

“We could walk it, if you want.”

this thing of darkness

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