Re(2): Cougars from South Dakota

Well that "wildlife biologist" needs to join the research. There is a lot more going on than sitting at computers. We don't have to prove they are here, the evidence speaks for itself. What needs to be shown is how many, where, and what gender. The wildlife agencies will not even speak on the subject, they are in firm denial, and actively conceal and ignore evidence. Don't believe that? Study the Matanuck incident. How about the wildlife guy that was at a large fair here last year. A man and son from the MA hilltowns went up to his table looking at a track display, and noted to him there were no cougar tracks. The gent told them "because there are no cougars in Massachusetts". The kid asked "what about the one killed on the road in CT?". The gent replied "that was someone's escaped pet. The kid asked about the quabbin DNA and the gent ignored them and walked over to someone else. We have several wildlife biologists currently assisting in this project. Not sure why he would be frustrated.


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