Re(1): More?

Helen, they are interested, they are emailing me LOL. I think that's a great goal, don't get me wrong, but armchair assumptions are being made that we don't have any here, and that there are no females east of the Mississippi or wherever. That is scientifically impossible to prove, especially when we have documented females in Southern Canada and New England. I listed several of them for you in case you were not aware. The problem is, there is a narrow view there that immediately rejects anything outside of that view, regardless of its credibility. That is what the wildlife agencies are doing here in New England. But guess what, the population here isn't buying it anymore. At one recent talk in Berkshire County, MA, we had 90 people present. A show of hands showed about 40 had seen or knew someone who believed they had seen a cougar. 89 of them believed they were present in the state. Asking the last guy, he said he though they "probably were", but wanted to see one for himself first. So we can science and discuss all day, but these pesky credible witnesses won't go away!! They are here Helen, not in very big quantities, but they are here.


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