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reaching out to embrace the random


reaching out to embrace the random

two years old :: son of maddox & elowen :: in diveen's court :: found love with none :: is fated to none
It had been one long, hard year for the young warrior wanna-be. Exploration of the lands outside his home had gone horridly wrong, with only a single miscalculation on which path to take back to the plateaus of Diveen leading to the unravel of all his expertly laid plans. The young cub had barely eked out a living in the harsh world of Moladion, escaping predators who would eat him and dodging around others that would hurt him. He lived on voles, moles, rats, and mice - even stooping as far as eating bugs and spiders to live. Goliath found his diet had become varied in the things he ingested, but all the same in taste. Mice tasted the same as the beetles after a while, snakes tasted the same as those little fish he managed to swipe out of the river once. The boy even ate grass, which resulted in a nasty, gut-moving infestation of internal parasites. Now he found he never wanted to leave home again, and wished he never had before.

"Gods, please let me get home. I swear I will never leave it again!" He sent the prayer up to the heavens more times than he could count in the passed year, but it would seem they had hard lessons for the young grandson of Acheron and Moth. But, unknown to him that the gates had been opened to a flood of learning and strength building steps to becoming more like his grandfather than he would ever know. He found the will to make it back home, the will to keep struggling despite the hardships he faced. Over the year he filled out a bit more, surviving in the wilds of Diveen. He had seen the golden coast of Diveen, the ones no one ever spoke about. Unreachable paths down to the beach had been tramped over and their virginity forever stained by the paws of Goliath's light, leggy form. There he found his salvation in the shoreline. Fish, crustaceans, even sea weed and kelp had kept him alive. All sorts of things washed up beneath the cliffs of Diveen's plateaus, and Goliath found animals that he had never really thought he would see.

Either way, he was glad for the sustenance they brought to him, and though he was lithe, the year in Diveen's wilds had given him hard muscles. They did not ripple, more they bunched when he walked, forever tense as a testament to how he spent his first year. Today, he heads up one of the hidden paths to the cliff tops where he can see out over the ocean. Grass tickles his belly still, and he catches the scent of many in the distance, still uncertain of where it came to. This time, he would not follow the cliff edge, hoping to find a familiar landmark to help him know where to turn. The slate laced, grey boy moved away from the cliffs, keeping his back toward the cliff he moves in a straight b-line for the heart of what he hopes is still Diveen. Before long, the scents of others becomes stronger, and the boy is awestruck by his luck. Had he not been in a panic and run down the beach, he could have made it home simply by turning away from the ocean. But, it had never occurred to his fearful mind that he could simply leave, every instinct shouted at him to stay put, that someone would notice him missing.

Perhaps, his father had noticed, though he doubted they had thought to look on this side of Diveen. No one ever came to the cliffs from what the boy had seen, and when life got too difficult to bear with so many around, Goliath could simply come to the beach. He would remember the path back, would remember the rocky beach below with its crashing waves and hidden coves. The two year old would possibly bring a mate or imprint down there if he could, though his thoughts are not on such a thing at this time, only getting home. When he comes to an area he recognizes, Goliath immediately howls out for his father, for anyone really, he doesn't mind who.

Laying down, the young boy announced his arrival back home, and simply breathed in the scent of so many promising pack members who could show their faces. He was home, he made it. "Thank you, Gods." He sends up, those mossy green portals now glassy and hazed with fatigue and overwhelming relief to be home after one hell of a year.

html © apollymi & picture © riley


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