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Enderly x Naamah daughter w/ ref, manip, & html!

Enderly wants a daughter that is around so he can spoil and protect her! Unfortunately we just don't click :<

Age in Years: Two
Sex: Female
Species: Northern Mix

Personality Traits: #

Stature: She is always going to appear frailer than she truly is, taking after her mother's side in that regard. She is petite and narrowly built, with slender fox-like features. However, thanks to her father, she has a more athletic build, with evenly dispersed muscles making her a real fire cracker. She is going to be fast! Her chest is also a little wider, allowing her greater endurance than her mother. She is quite deceiving to look at.
Fur Color: Of course, her base color is jet black - however, it appears more matte than her sisters with less of a natural sheen. This does not detract from her beauty, however, but rather adds to it. Over her left cheek, beginning below her eye, is a collection of glossy golden hairs that seem to intertwine and fleck throughout the black. This same gold is found on her guard hairs, beginning half way down her neck before trailing down between her legs and over her belly. There is a collection of grey hairs on her muzzle that appear to be a lopsided diamond shape, which thins out between her eyes before bursting into another off-diamond shape. This grey fur blends into gold at the top of the marking, seeming to accent it. Her tail is intertwined with this same grey, and also a dark mahogany, which adds a unique dynamic.
Fur Length & Thickness: Her coat is long and sleek, seeming to cling and flow off of her.
Eye Color: Both eyes are a flat, dark grey.
Height: 27 inches
Weight: 100lbs

Stealth: | | | | | | | | | |

Speed: | | | | | | | | | |

Agility: | | | | | | | | | |

Stamina: | | | | | | | | | |

Strength: | | | | | | | | | |

Brief History: Left Moladion to follow her mom but was soon abandoned by her because mom is a lunatic xD She returned and is with Enderly now while he shows her the ropes! Mom has also recently returned.
Litter Mates: Gomory

Posted With:

Allies: None
Neutral: None
Enemies: None

Pack: None
Position: None

Mate: None
Imprint: None

Offspring: None

Lineage: Enderly x Naamah
Relatives: Underidge, Sarabi (Half Siblings - Enderly x Banshee)

Suspendisse vitae nisi non orci consequat dignissim. Vestibulum ac tempor massa. Vestibulum vitae dui laoreet, vulputate nunc eu, porta dolor. Morbi imperdiet urna turpis, vel sollicitudin elit iaculis in. Fusce ac bibendum mi. Proin rhoncus ipsum a viverra feugiat. Morbi ac vulputate purus. Vivamus ut purus dui. Duis euismod ex diam, non rhoncus leo sollicitudin sit amet.

Maecenas consequat ex nec consectetur semper. Nunc eget condimentum dui, vitae volutpat nibh. Etiam finibus quis ipsum quis varius. Duis cursus odio ut libero tincidunt mollis. Quisque erat massa, ornare et tellus a, sollicitudin luctus lorem. Mauris rutrum lobortis mi id vehicula. Nulla tempus, ante nec vestibulum facilisis, metus dui lacinia sapien, nec interdum erat lorem ac enim. Vestibulum ullamcorper porttitor dui at consectetur. Phasellus vulputate lorem odio, at cursus ligula hendrerit eu. Sed auctor nec mauris eget venenatis. Nullam vitae sem fringilla arcu dictum eleifend. Nam ac urna non purus pulvinar convallis egestas eget ex. Suspendisse hendrerit, mauris sed imperdiet luctus, urna felis pellentesque leo, sed pellentesque ipsum nulla ac turpis. Aliquam molestie ante vitae tortor consectetur, non placerat libero aliquam.

Pellentesque metus diam, pellentesque a sodales eu, iaculis et orci. Etiam mollis viverra mauris, vitae porta ante vestibulum eget. Suspendisse a sollicitudin turpis. Sed ac semper orci, a vehicula urna. Fusce suscipit facilisis rhoncus. Nunc et ultricies nisi. Etiam eu justo eget lacus porta condimentum. Nulla scelerisque metus ante, sed dapibus felis consequat sed. Quisque quis viverra sapien.

Mauris nec libero gravida, hendrerit orci vitae, viverra turpis. Praesent tincidunt justo arcu, in lobortis ligula consectetur dignissim. Quisque imperdiet consectetur mauris. Nullam pulvinar felis sit amet vulputate mollis. Curabitur a porttitor sapien, non pellentesque elit. Praesent tempus consectetur nisl eget mollis. Quisque pulvinar ut tellus non consectetur. Nam vitae nulla interdum, tempus neque eu, auctor neque. Cras sollicitudin risus id tortor aliquam, non placerat tortor aliquam. Quisque at risus sed ex mollis aliquet. Vestibulum odio dolor, euismod et dolor eget, sagittis sodales orci. Sed eu lacus eu augue cursus placerat sit amet id arcu. In et sem in magna lacinia auctor non convallis odio. In ut metus semper, laoreet sapien sodales, interdum ipsum. Nunc malesuada nunc quis lectus consequat accumsan.

Sed vitae dapibus orci, at sodales tortor. Cras ac lorem sodales, aliquam quam ac, egestas ante. In interdum, erat sit amet dictum viverra, augue purus tempor ex, ut blandit nisi mi sed eros. Mauris ipsum nunc, sagittis a lobortis vitae, maximus sit amet nisi. Cras feugiat mi mattis ante scelerisque pellentesque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean consectetur consequat nisl eu ornare. Praesent eget maximus dui, vel tincidunt massa. Fusce egestas ante ut libero hendrerit rutrum. Mauris pharetra quam quis sem elementum tristique. Suspendisse augue mauris, ornare quis hendrerit et, fringilla eu nisl. Aenean pulvinar consequat arcu, id auctor lectus laoreet in. Vestibulum tempor commodo mauris. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas vel velit sed ipsum interdum blandit.

-plague daughter.
-of naamah & enderly.
-wandering the wilds.
-without a heart.
-without a soul.

  • I would love to -
    x -

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