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You merely adopted Darkness; I was born into it.

You merely adopted Darkness; I was Born into it.

Name: Flare
Age (pup, teen, adult): Adult
Gender: Fae
Appearance: Her base coat is a deep, matte black. The tip of her tail is stark white and continues up until the mid length of her tail;
Coat Length: Average length and thickness, with the fur a bit shorter over her legs.
Build: Flare is tall and lean, with smooth athletic muscle just like is father. Sbe will excel in endurance with a broad chest and long, muscular legs. She will grow taller than her father was and weigh quite a bit heftier, with more of an athletic, burly build.
Personality:She is a monster. A killer, who will put a price on your life and take it. She kills for the thrill. An assassin, that does what you want when you want, for the right price. And the amount of deaths is just a number, now—insignificant, cheap, a number that grows and changes daily. But, she feels as if to make up for the innocence people she kills, she must also kill criminals. She is a hunter of rapists, murderers, thieves; all of them must die, if she is to ever find redemption for the ones who don’t deserve it.

Flare is passionate in everything she does—in her life, and in her work. She is too passionate to feel numb after killing, she is too passionate to feel numb at all; the thrill of the hunt, and the kill are overwhelming; for her to act indifferent would make her dead inside. Callousness is not something she is capable of, even in the face of cruelty. She feels contrite, she feels happiness, she feels what everyone else feels. However, she is capable of pretenses. She is a liar, a master manipulator, capable of twisting people to get what she needs or wants. And although she cares, truly cares for others, she is ultimately a survivalist. She does what its necessary to keep herself alive and well.

She is afraid of people hating her—more afraid of it then she is of death; she doesn't want to be hated, or feared. She knows she’s a monster, and she’s accepted that; but she still goes to extremes to keep it hidden from the individual’s she meets daily. As a result, she keeps her brutality and savagery in check; her secret passions hidden. Flare becomes as charming as she wants to be, most frequently in the company of men, where she can prove to be most flirtatious, that is when the situation calls for it. Despite being defiled when she was very young, she feels more comfortable in the presence of men then she does women.

Flare also tends to be obsessive, possessive, and painfully manipulative to people she cares about. She pushes them away, at the same time attempting to keep them close to her—but in the end, the strange mixture of wanting them to stay and wanting them to leave pushes them farther away than anything else would. She has a horrible sentimentality towards these people though—the ones close to her heart, and she shows them far more than she ever means too. And she grows to trust them, blindly trusting them, hoping that they don’t hurt her. It is foolishness that compels her to do this, foolishness and a desperate need of affection, of someone who doesn't hate her. But how can they not?

She’s a killer. A monster. An animal. A mercenary for hire.

OOC: Kaiser

3 years | No home | Fae | No Mate


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