Enocra Woodland

Pine, spruce and firs alike...
Dense coniferous forests cover the woodlands, with clearings, paths and the occasional wildberry shrub throughout. Pine, spruce and fir make up much of the forest in the east, with the forest becoming swampier in the west towards Mecor Valley. In the west, cypress trees dominate, with fallen trees creating bridges across and throughout the stillwaters.

Return to Lunar Children

The world will end in fire Birthing

She had ensured that no more blood be spilled by the girl with violet for eyes, and she had grown swollen in the belly to the point that she now lay in her den at the base of a tree in the woodland. She had felt the urge to go deep into the den on this night, her own hunger taken to the back burner as she felt what she felt many years ago once more. It was an odd feeling, an odd sensation as she felt movement within her. It was not the movement of a growling tummy. It was kicks and nudges. It was something she had felt the many days before her body burst open and other wolves spawned from her own blood.

She may not have been told what happens, and how it happens, but she put two and two together. She knew that once again pups were going to come from her body and into the world again. The moon hung in the sky on this night, with the brighter stars twinkling above. It was a clear night as she huddled into her den, knowing close the girl of violet would be...and also the shadow of night with eyes of green. She remembers before, how he came to the den, and she was prepared to chase him off again if needed.

The female of flame and white lay in her den touched with roots as she felt the contractions begin. The pain caused an initial growl from her throat, her lava pools turning to her own belly in irritation. This was not a pain she can rid herself of with food. This was a pain much worse, and her teeth did peek from her lips with each contraction. It was not a long labor, and for this she was grateful. In time, she felt the urge to push, with the oddest sensation of something coming from her body. Her muzzle reaches around as her tail lifts, the smell of herself strong as something comes forth from her body. It is not like she, it is something different. Something dark and covered in her own slim. She feels the pain of the birth and then the hormonal surge taking her own like a wave.

She grasps the blackened pup, ripping away the sack and using her tongue to cleanse the smell away from the small, wiggling thing. She feels a small whine escape her, her dark nose nudging the black boy with touches of white and red on his tail. The feeling of life was strong within her on this night, the light of the moon barely illuminating the boy, his more subtle details not able to be seen. She keeps the boy by her stomach, feeling the pain of contractions still. She knew last time, when pups burst forth from her like angered flames, there were two. She knew from last time, that this time she would as well have two...although she knew not such an assumption was inaccurate.

Her body and legs move in discomfort. Her front paws grasp the dirt as she feels the urge to push once more. She clenched her teeth as she feels the other come from her form, her twirling around to rid the pup of sack and any fluid, the light catching his white fur with much more ease than the other pup. She brings the pup to her stomach as well, licking his ears as she looks down upon both with her black-lined red and gold eyes.

She is reminded of the last time this happened to her. How she remembers them being so small and growing so large, into full fledged creatures just as herself and the one of black. She knew in time they would leave her, to where only she would watch from a distance with red eyes. The one of black did not tolerate much, and she knew the one that was male, the one she found dead, was chased off much earlier than the one who was female as she was. She had...not seen the one that was female, but she had not found her dead. Her mind did wander to the one that was of her and female, a motherly hope to see her again filling her ember heart. She was pained with the death of the one that was male that came from her, but she is brought up again with the birth of two more. It filled her, took what she would come to know as sorrow away if only a little. The girl that she took as her own with eyes of violet had also calmed her fury, a comfort of sorts knowing that this one was near, and this one she would attempt to keep close for reasons she does not completely understand. For now, she yawns on this night as birds cry and wolves howl. She knew creatures lingered in the darkness and insects burrowed in the ground. But she would protect them on this night- and she would not find their lifeless bodies in the dirt. She would be their mother, the creature of life, for they will be born of flame and shadow. They are forged in the darkness of night- two terrors that will bring fear to any who dare approach them, as she will not allow their death as what happened to her first son.


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