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I remember when your head caught flame




Standing a mere 27 inches at the shoulder and weighing in at 104 pounds, Erin is a sturdy little lady. Her legs are short and thick, her shoulders and hips buff with muscle, a complete power house able to attain high speeds and a lot of force. Her chest is narrow and her paws are large, giving her an advantage in thick deep snow, able to plow through with little trouble. She is strong, swift, and agile, though she rarely shows it. Her coat is thick and plush, a pristine, silky white in color with small hints of light grey around the shoulders, though it is barely noticeable. Her eyes are a pale olive green, dull and gentle like the moss on the bark of a tree.

Erin was taught at a young age how to handle herself, and is very skilled in hunting and the art of defense. Living in the arctic tundra has brought her many days of experience in tracking, stalking, and killing, also in fishing when food sources run dry. She was taught the way of healing, and knows her herbs and nursing quite well, able to tell apart dangerous plants from those that will be helpful, and very good at healing wounds.
Erin knows how to cooperate in a pack, able to maintain peace and hierarchy, skilled at leading and helping others. She is a great listener, and catches on to things fast, always ahead of the situation.
She is wise, and mostly keeps to herself, though she is gentle and kind when approached. She tries to handle everything in a peaceful fashion when conflicts arise, though will defend herself and her family when it comes down to it. She will not back down from any challenge, no matter the size, and will be loyal to her last breath.

- E R I N -

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