Here is where you can request pictures or tables for your character!

If you would like a table or image made for your character, be sure to include:
Name of character:
Title on image or tagline on table:
Description of character:
Your OOC name:


Maybe, because I've seen your work.. AND I LOVE IT! <3

Okay sorry for being a manip stalker... but your work is B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l! <333

Your name: Alesana

Background: Okay this whole background thing is kind of relative to what you think will look the best, because I trust your expert judge of art :3 But just to give you an idea Pierce is a ghostly knight so maybe the background could give him and air of being like a knight in shining armor or you could make him look like a ghost-like sentry guarding a palace... that's my general take on his personality type and kind of how I imagine him. Also for more detail on the background, I'd like it dark with maybe some fog or rain making it look dark and sorta depressing but he is the white ghost sentry coming forth from the shadows to save you. And if it looks good maybe have him snarling but otherwise I would like him to look angry/protective.

Pierce's looks, (cause you might need to know..): Pierce is white. Like a ghost or maybe a knight or a combination of both :0 His eyes are similar to the gem Tigers eye stone and very striking.

Words on Pic/table (which ever looks better): I would like his name (Pierce) and the saying:
"The Fatal Optimist" somewhere on the table or picture. Wherever you feel that it looks best :)

Specific instructions: I want you to have fun with it and don't feel rushed and if you want any clarification on anything please just ask! (I know I make things more complicated than they need to be :P)

As for the table, I would like to go with it,

Font (colour, style, size, etc.): Something that matches into the overall style of the picture :)

Specific instructions: Have fun and mess around with it :) I would prefer to have a different color for his speaking and if you could please put a stats bar for me to fill at the bottom that would great! And just above the stats bar I would like to have the phrase:
"Optimism is fatal is my experiance"
in whatever the font color for his speaking is.

Hope this was clear enough for ya :) hope its not too much but again to have fun with it and use that creative, wonderful mind of yours! <3

  • Wellll -
    Wellll -
    Hiya! -
    list ;; -
    Alrighty :) -
    Actually>> -
    sure thing -

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