Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


What is Dead May Never Die

Family. Duty. Honor.


The brute had had a lot going on lately, but he liked being busy. He would rather be busy than bored and have nothing to do. He had traveled to Bright Moon with his trusted beta Misty to check in with the other friendly pack and see if their alliance was still intact with the new alpha. Summer thought that their pack must be going through a lot losing Moth, and he wanted them to know that Bright Moon was still there for them to be supportive. And then the alphess of Spring Grounds had traveled to his borders with three of her wolves, one of which happened to be her daughter, to work on forming an alliance. They were still working it out, but they seemed like a good group of wolves that he could make some sort of agreement with. The alpha was glad that another pack had come to him and shown interest in what he and his pack had to offer. His plume wagged softly behind him as he walked around the borders, strengthening the scent mark of the borders.

And the most exciting thing that had happened recently was that he had become a father, well in a way. It was still confusing to him exactly what he was to Nzingha. He was her uncle, but he was raising her, so that made him her father. The two had talked about the confusing nature of their relationship, and he decided that he would leave it up to her to decide exactly what they were. He had come up with a silly name for him that only a pup would come up with. Whenever he thought of her sweet innocence it brought a smile to his kissers. Even though he had not been able to see her mother, and his sister, Lady again before she had passed away, he was happy to have a part of his family back in his life. Summer would raise Nzingha as his own, and he loved her like he would his own pup, so he supposed he was more father than uncle in that sense.

The sound of a call at the borders caught his attention, and his ears perked at the unfamiliar vocals. His paws led him to the sound, pausing in the trees when he saw the small form of Nzingha approaching the stranger. His instinct was to run forward and protect her, in case this unknown male became hostile and attacked her. His fur bristled at the thought, and he stifled a growl, but he forced himself to stay hidden and see what would happen. He was still close enough that he could get to her aid before anything happened should the male do something. The brute at the borders did not seem like the aggressive type though, he was standing rigid and frozen at the borders, his gray form not moving. The pup questioned the stranger, and a smile came to his features at her words, she was talking as if she was an adult, not a pup.

Before the stranger could answer his daughter’s questions, Misty made an appearance. His tail wagged again at the sight of her, feeling better about Nzingha being there now that a trusted adult was by her side. The older femme encouraged the stranger to answer the younger one’s questions, and so he complied, though he seemed nervous. The gray wolf had jumped when Misty walked out, and he thought that he seemed uptight, but maybe he was just nervous about being in a new land. "Well, my name is Darius. And, uh, well, I want to join because...Because I feel like it's time for me to join a pack, and Bright Moon seems like a fairly nice place..." Summer decided at this moment to make his appearance. He raised his form to his full height, plume held high behind him to show his status as alpha here. He approached the three wolves, rubbing against Misty in greeting as he walked by her and pausing a moment to nuzzle Nzingha before turning his yellow orbs to the male. ”Hello Darius, my name is Summer, alpha of Bright Moon. I do agree that this pack is a nice place and if you agree to pledge loyalty to me and my pack then you are welcome to call it home.”

Summer waited to see what Darius would say to his words, to see if he seriously wanted to join or if he would decide not to stay. The smoke brute sincerely hoped that this male would stay, he liked having more wolves in the lands here. After the new male answered he flickered his eyes to Nzingha, deciding to introduce her to the two. ”Darius, this is my beta, Misty” he nodded to the adult femme that he was standing next to, ”and my daughter Nzingha.” He turned his attention to Misty, knowing that she would have questions about when he got a daughter. ”My sister died giving birth to her and her two siblings, so I adopted her.” His yellow orbs took on a sad glow for a moment, not wanting to remind the still young pup about her mother’s death, but needing to explain the situation to his friend.


**Summer**Brute**Lover to None**Father Figure to Nzingha**ALPHA OF BRIGHT MOON**Adult**Brother of Lady, Nymeria, Grey Wind, Rickon, and Ghost**Violet**


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