The Lost Islands

everyone is a monster to someone

He grinned, not in mockery of her, but because he hadn’t met anyone who expressed wonder at the light of the sun and he thought it was… well, adorable. His gold eyes glanced up toward the blue sky and he sighed, just softly. “Yeah, too bad we only have it for a few months.” Winter would return and, with it, the blizzards. Flurries of snow would swirl throughout Tinuvel, layering in thick blankets over where they now stood. He imagined it would make patrolling the borders as he did now that much more difficult, but hopefully the storms and chill would keep most intruders from the island. He’d rather spend his time close to the herd, both for warmth and in case the predators grew hungry.

His gaze drifted back toward Hollowshank and his smile softened. “I’m glad you decided to stay in the Bay, even after I came in.” He wasn’t sure if she’d stayed because Fly had stayed, and he wasn’t sure why Fly had stayed either, but he was thankful anyways. Fly had likely saved his life, leading him to the cave when he’d come with a coat too thin for the elements (it would grow thicker this season), so he wouldn’t forget that. It was nice though, he thought, to have familiar faces among a family which was steadily growing.

“I mean, I know you just stayed because the Bay was your home and not… really anything to do with me… but, still.” He laughed softly and glanced away for a moment, knowing that was the case. It counted for something that she’d stayed.


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