The Lost Islands

my hands can’t reach that far

face down in the desert now
there’s a cage locked around my heart

As he listened to Nephilim speak, his body relaxed, ears and eyes alert and focussed on the spotted male. It seemed they were more alike than Dances had thought, and in that moment, he was grateful to the ruthless ocean for bringing him here. That must have been why things had turned sour on Luthien, Dances realised – things were complicated with Nephilim’s mother too... That was one good thing Guadalupe had done for him – she had loved him at least, until she’d left him. It sounded like Nephilim could use someone in his corner, and Dances wanted nothing more than to be that someone. After all, he had nothing waiting for him out there, no-one who wanted him. He had met like-souls, though, in his adventures, and he’d found hearts that had spoken to his. These were the ones he would look out for. Zaida. Jökulrós. And Nephilim.

“Perhaps we should do our best to forget what is behind,” the young painted stallion said after a while. “And build a brighter future for ourselves.” That was what he’d set his mind to, what he’d try to focus on, instead of the things that would bite into his skin, leaving him aching long into the night. And he thought of the isles he had yet to set hoof upon, because these places were unknown to him, full of promise, and untainted by memories of the mother who had left him behind. As he stood, he turned, looking inland, taking in as much of the scenery as he could. This, this was a place that belonged just to him – he had made his way here himself, and, as far as he knew, Guadalupe had never graced these shores.

Nephilim spoke his name, and the bay and white boy noticed the change in the other male’s tone. He worried for a minute that he had missed something that his companion had said, and quickly turned to the golden-spotted figure beside him. That was one thing Guadalupe had told him to watch for. Sometimes, it seems as though you go somewhere else, Dances With Wolves, somewhere far away. With a soft snort, Dances refocussed, and waited for Nephilim to speak. And the words that left the stallion’s lips were beautiful to Dances, because they filled him with hope, made him feel wanted again.

A warmth slowly spread through his slim body, and he jerked his head up, two-toned mane flying in all directions, as he danced on the spot, joy shining in his eyes. “Nephilim, I would like that more than anything,” he said, choosing to keep his reply simple, for there were so many things he wanted to say. A new start. It wouldn’t be easy, but rivers never flowed smoothly all the time, and he was never one to back down from a challenge. After a moment, he extended his muzzle, touching it to Nephilim’s pale shoulder (taking care to avoid most of the bruises). “Thank you,” he murmured, the words heavy with gratitude amongst other emotions. And then he pulled away, and turned about to look at the land that lay before them again.

In his chest his heart beat wildly, hungry for whatever it was that awaited him in the near future.

i found a way to drop the keys where my failures were
Dances With Wolves
html by shiva for public use 2014


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