The forest stands tall and lush here; ancient trees reach weather-twisted arms to the sky, fighting monster-like storm clouds back with their interlacing fingers. Shadow seems to lurk everywhere you look, but it spills calmly, coolly, inspiring a sense of stealthy calm or protection rather than unease. That is, if you've forgotten what kind of creature might be stalking just out of sight...Abendrot is a land cradled by the dark woods on all sides; in the center, some of the larger trees stay behind to reveal a small plateau - a citadel where this pack can gather and defend itself from invaders. There are, of course, softer sides to the land. Clearings here and there allow the sun to throw down its rays in incongruously resplendent gold showers. Ignore the lingering scents of blood spattered here and there along the borders: those do not concern you. The river on one edge of the territory is playful enough when it hasn't been gorged by violent rain. You can choose to note the ragged claw marks raked down tree trunks and the forest floor as friendly "Home Sweet Home" signs, if you wish.

All who treasure loyalty, order, victory, and the occasional indulgence of raw visceral pleasure are welcome, once they've been approved by the ever-watchful eyes of Abendrot's Alpha. But keep one thing in mind: no matter what your motive, this is not a fool's Paradise. This is the land of soldiers, assassins, and spies. This is ABENDROT.

Make up your mind quickly and prepare to prove your worth. You wouldn't want to add to those blood spatters, would you...?


Darkness Imprisoning Me

All That I See, Absolute Horror


An easily silence fell between the two vargs. One taller and seemingly leading the way to the smaller faeling that was keeping up at her shoulder. As they went deeper into Abendrot’s dense forests less and less of the sun’s rays made it through the thick leaves, making it dark in the woods even though the sun was shining brightly. The darkly hidden pack just made the stereotype more accurate. A bunch of evil, manipulative wolves living together in the darkness. It brought a smirk to her features at the thought. There was some truth to it but it was not entirely true. They were not all evil and sadistic and out for blood. There were plenty of wolves that fit into the stereotype, but not all of them. Azula knew that she did not entirely fit in with that, even if she did have her darker side that she kept hidden from most. Evil was a hard word to define into black and white, there was a lot of grey area that made it confusing about who was an enemy and who was a friend. After a few moments, Azula spoke again to Nova Prospekt, giving her opinion about some of the other some of the other sections of lupines in this well-organized pack. The younger one responded with the same maturity that she had had throughout their conversation. “I wouldn’t say I have but I aim to meet at least a wolf of each discipline. Understand a bit of each, and get to know the wolves I’ll be calling my packmates.” The multi-hued dragoness nodded her head in understanding, continuing to weave through the trees that had become familiar to her in the past few weeks.

Another easy silence fell between the two, and Azula once again thought about how she had had a better interaction with a pup in this pack than any others that were here. She had met plenty of other vargs that shared a home with her, but yet she had not made a connection, or even a conversation really, with any of them. Maybe it was because she had been out of practice for so long, only having the company of her two young. Or maybe it was because the only adults that she had known before this pack were the ones that tortured and abused her. Either way, it was not something that overly concerned her. Her young were no longer pups, they were almost full grown adults now and she did not see them often as they had become fairly independent. She just hoped that she had done enough to make them able to take on the world without getting themselves killed. And there was something about this russet fiery female that reminded her of her own two young. Felan was like her in the sense that he had no fear and had a big personality, but was like Corde in the sense that she still seemed to care. Nova Prospekt did not seem like she had shut down from the world entirely, she still had a piece of herself left, even if she had learned early on that the world was a cruel place. Maybe that was why she was still allowing the younger female to travel with her. Normally she would not have wanted the company for this long.

Azula’s form stopped, asking the fiery pup something else that she remembered teaching to her young when they were still pups. Nova Prospekt stopped a few paces in front of her, her blue orbs turning to look at Azula’s light green ones. “No, I wouldn’t say I know either of those skills. But seeing that Abendrot is mostly marsh and rivers I’d say it’d only be necessary to learn. Would you be willing to teach me?” The female nodded and turned in the direction of one of the rivers that ran through Abendrot’s lands. She did not wait to see if the other female was following. If she wanted to learn then she would come. ”Even if Abendrot was not often flooded it would be good to learn. You may never know what situation life will throw you in. So if you get the opportunity to learn a new skill it is often good to take advantage of that, even if it appears to be a useless skillset.” They were not far from the destination that Azula had in mind so it did not take them long to get to the river. She paused for a moment before stepping into the shallow waters, the cool feeling washing over her paws as she continued to step through the sand. She stopped and turned to see if Nova Prospekt had followed her in when the water had reached her shoulders, knowing that it would be close to over the pup’s head at that point. ”This area of the river is calm compared to others, a good place to learn before we practice in more dangerous areas. Use your front limbs to paddle and direct you. Make sure to always keep your head above the water for now, and if you panic try not to flail, that will only make things worse.” Her gaze turned to the deeper part of the river and she pushed off with her hind limbs, doing the actions that she had said to the pup to demonstrate. Azula had practiced this many times and it was easy for her to turn in the deeper water and face the other female. Of course she would not let the pup drown, but she also as not going to be easy on her and help keep her a float.

Picture credit to Kyleigh <3


**Azula**Dragoness**Untied**Mother of Corde and Felan**Epsilon Assassin of Abendrot** Adult **Violet**


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