The Lost Islands

This is no ordinary love

The swim felt fine against her lean frame, her thin muscles propelling her across the surf when general ease. As they approached Tinuvel, the air seemed to change. It thinned, it became crisp and light. Heavy plumes of carbon dioxide evaporated into the air with her every passing breathe. Nova was fascinated.

She followed obediently in Nephilim's wake, tagging along behind the slight wake his handsome golden frame created in the dark churning waters. At first, the mare had been frightful of the swims often required to live here. She hadn't had a great introduction to water, thanks to Evaline, and nearly drowned on that fateful night her mother made them leave Luthien. Since then, Nova was always a bit hesitant to make long swims. But her nervous energy today kept her light and alert. There was something about Nephilim, too, that ultimately calmed her. Even though she barely new the stallion at all. Perhaps it was foolish of her to follow him so willingly to a far away, and unknown place. Nova was certain that she didn't want to be tied down to a herd so quickly. But she wasn't thinking about that now. She was exploring, getting know the island's inhabitants and territories. Nephilim just happened to be the first friendly face that wanted to share in these experiences with her.

When they emerged on shore, Nova took high prancing steps out of the surf and onto the cold sand. Her vision fluttered over the impressive surroundings -- from the rocky peaks that seemed to surround them, to the natural cliffs and thickly dense forests. "I've never seen anything quite like it." She said, prancing in place now as the cold bit at her damp appendages.

She looked to the stallion once for guidance, but her excitement got the best of her. With eyes wide, the mare half-reared while issuing a playful whinny, before landing on all fours and reaching out to nip at the stallion's shoulder. Her heart was beating so fast from within the confines of her chest. The dark mare then trotted off, calling wildly to Nephilim as she bee-lined to the treeline in the distance. "Show me everything Nephilim!"

Vita Nova
3 | Mare | Evaline x Valentine | Smoky Back Splash | 15 hh | © Vinyl
html by shiva for public use


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