..The Beautiful Dagger of Calphir.. - " />
The Lost Islands


The Prime Minister


The Codebreaker


The General


The Companions

None None None

The Thinkers


The Politicians


The Warriors


The Trinkets



"None." - Leader

The Offspring

Cetus (Osmanthus x Axelle)
Pennywise (Jigsaw x Titan)


• The Vulcan Peak is where homeless mares come to live as a sisterhood. Stallions may not live here except as captives or companions for the Leaders.

• Warriors keep mainly to fighting, Thinkers keep mainly to raiding, and Politicians may do both, neither, or act as diplomats. Members may issue their own battles and raids, but should generally consult the General, Codebreaker or Prime Minister for permission.

• All major decisions are determined by vote, but the Prime Minister maintains order within the Peak and has the final say.

• Elections for leadership positions will be held every TLI summer, provided the qualifying criteria are met.

• You can find detailed information about how the Peak works on the Rules page.

..The Beautiful Dagger of Calphir..

take my soul leave my freedom
-i'll be glad to die a pile of pirate bones-

The buckskin and ash tainted ess kept her expression composed and untelling. The girls' had reached an age of bratiness, she had seen children at such an age. As much as she seethed and wished to test the girls further, she withheld. This was not her mountain, though it was her home she had no real clout here. None but Ysabel could understand what it meant for a lead a peak far more bustling and protected than this one, to simply swallow what was happening. She could see how the pieces were falling into place and she had little token in her favor this evening. Just the same, the desert born minx likewise was not so concerned about what might be decided tonight. The dark woman, mother of one of the girls held highest rank here and the commotion ceased at her command.

When addressed, the former Queen of Thieves kept her eyes lowered, her ears folded and tilted outward slightly. How pathetic I must look she thought…do my friends that now roam with the stars laugh now at my expense? The belle truly bit her tongue at the implication of her bringing a good string of men to a Vulcan peak. Still her silent reserve held firm…she said nothing until Inka had finished.
"Of course." she said simply, her tones evened and as unrevealing as her expression. She had not met the dark Friesian personally, but she had come to know of her and her daughter who was close to Taika. Ysabel respected her authority as did she Impa, and was not about to question. They all seemed to be dismissed. Ysabel moved with the grace and stealth of a master thief as she came up behind the girls and whispered among them. "A little more tact next time my little vandals, then you would have two trinkets to boss around." The former Pirate Queen of Calphir winked as she turned and moved towards the boys. She took to grant a little nod of apology to Taytim and a moment to nicker her apology to Geirdy before she lead the boys away to the other side of the peak…at least as far from Impa and the two brats as possible.

There was a flurry of foreign words that flooded out (likely another reason why she wished more privacy. There was a mix of the native tongue as well but the gist of her fiery rant was as follows: "My the lot of you know how to make an entrance certainly….. Welcome to the peak kardeş…. I believe I had said find me not get separated and go on being snared by a bunch of adolescent fillies…." Of course the jezebelle might have left that part out, but it was not a secret as to what these grounds were after all…at least in her mind. With Ysabel she simply sighed and all the aggression evaporated from her face, her voice and she was calm or close to it. "Come along loves, as Inka said it is late. There will be time yet to speak in the morning." The ess showed them to a place where the might sleep and against what might be standard protocol she rested near them, with them to stay warm.

It was so in the Mount of 1087 Thieves where the great star god Aldebaran had called the outcast and the lost and unwanted. Those of the Mount knew as no other in Calphir save for the Lion and his house could understand just what it meant to call one 'brother.' Even though this was not her mountain, and she was nobody here, even if the Mount had been made ruins now…she could not change her heart any more than one can rearrange heaven. Not a regret was in her heart though she understood there were consequences to be had. Ysabel herself closed her eyes but was contemplating as to what her move would be come the morn.

OOC: <3 ok this is ew and sry for holding up.

age four / andalusian x a.saddlebred x akhal teke
sooty buckskin / 16hh

i don't live by illusions
html for vnes by cascadia, 2015 and beyond

                          • . -

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